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Features / Usability

Tiki 9.x and phpfreechat

posts: 4 Greece


Wanted to add a chat plug-in / module and stumbled across phpfreechat. Found the instructions on how to install it manually here . One of the lines says:
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In the file lib/setup/js_detect.php
but in tiki 9.1 there is no such file.

Found the code snipet here.

So, my question is , if i create the file will it work (since it wasn't part of the installation package)? I guess I could try it and see, but wanted to get a feel from the community so I don't go barking up the wrong tree.

What other alternatives (that have history, ability for multiple chat rooms, time stamps ) do I have?

Thank you for your time

PS 1: If something crashes, do I have to go through the installation process again or can I restore from a backup? If the latter, can I restore in a different folder (and then rebuild/re-install the sql db) or it has to be the same folder as the initial installation?

PS 2: Is there a list with the default folder permissions on a new installation? I am doing some changes and testing things out, but prior to releasing the site I want to restore original permissions without breaking anything.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

hi: ni idea. Try it in your localhost first.

Alternatives: the minichat module bundled in tiki: it only lacks the date in the time stamp.

PS1: you can restore from backup. And in short, you can restore to a different folder, and adapt whatever settings you need in your control panel from your hosting, if needed.

PS2: run again 'sh setup.sh' if you have ssh access, and you will have permissions set for you. Or 777 through ftp if that's easier for you. Or check the setup.sh script locally and see which folder should have which permissions, etc., if you want to tweak that more by ftp (if y ou don't hace ssh access).

And welcome to the Tiki Community! 😊

posts: 4 Greece

Thank you from the prompt reply (and the welcome). Will give minichat a shot and see were it takes me.

Since it has no admin functions, I would need to create 2 (or more instances) and apply different security settings to each.

What I gather from the following text found in minichat page: "The assigned module to a wiki page, as example, could be through this call to the module"; is that, unless I am mistaken, I can create different wiki pages and assign permissions, to each wiki, to different groups, ie registered, admins, etc.

So let's say:

  • a registered user opened an instance (wiki page) that had channel: #Lobby
  • an admin opened an instance (wiki page) that had channels: #Lobby, #Moderators

would the admin be able to see what user said in #Lobby? In other words, are the instances overlapping , or for each instance opens a different control window (minichat)

As far as js_detect.php goes, maybe a better sequence of questions would be:
a) Why was it removed? Wasn't needed or created issues?
b) Was it called from another file in order to perform some checking?
c) Was it replaced by another file? If so, which one?

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

And k3rb3r05, if that renaming in the mod suggested by marclaporte works, please consider committing the change to the mod itself.
See http://dev.tiki.org/Commit

For the "common channel" from two different wiki pages through the minichat module, I would say: try it, and report back, please.

If needed, you can test this (or any other feature) in the demo sites:

Start with 9x as the stable branch. 😊


posts: 4 Greece

He simply pointed out that js_detect.php has been renamed to javascript.php

Tried inserting the lines that were suggested in the instructions,

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$jsPrototype = 'if (Prototype) jQuery.noConflict();'; $headerlib->add_js($jsPrototype, 101);

but the file javascript.php has changed considerably. Since I got just some basic knowledge of programming, I just took a wild guess and injected the above lines of code where i thought they would fit.

it resulted in a blank page when loading the wiki page

Since the project is on a free web hosting provider, I can't run chat scripts (found out by accident, albeit I had read the TOS, but didn't remember that little detail when I was doing tests.

Will be using an iframe instead, with mibbit

ps: but will be definitively trying this on the demo. But since my programming skills are limited, it will be morel like trial and error and a lot of guessing