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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

SQL error on Search

posts: 26

I receive an error (below) when using the search module (whole site).

I'm figuring that it is post install 1.8 problem. The database that I am using was created with RC3 but I am using the latest code build.

Redhat 8.x,
php ver 4.3.4,
mysql 3.23.58

Warning: mysql error: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list in query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tiki_blog_posts p LEFT JOIN tiki_blogs b ON b.blogId = p.blogId WHERE b.use_find = "y" AND MATCH(p.data) AGAINST ('Claborne')
in /var/www/html/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/tikidblib.php on line 125

$result is false
$result is empty

Thanks in advance for your help

-- C --

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Do you have FULLTEXT search enabled in Admin->Feature?

I cannot remember if after RC3 there were some database changes, You might be best checking the db against the tiki.sql file.


posts: 26

> Damian:
> Hi,
> Do you have FULLTEXT search enabled in Admin->Feature?
> I cannot remember if after RC3 there were some database changes, You might be best checking the db against the tiki.sql file.
> Damian

It was missing two of the search tables but I am still receiving the error. Obviously it is coming from the blog tables some where. More work will be needed to ferret out the problem.

posts: 26

> Damian:
> Hi,
> Do you have FULLTEXT search enabled in Admin->Feature?
> I cannot remember if after RC3 there were some database changes, You might be best checking the db against the tiki.sql file.
> Damian

It was missing two of the search tables but I am still receiving the error. Obviously it is coming from the blog tables some where. More work will be needed to ferret out the problem.

posts: 26

The fix was to create a second full text index for just 'data'. The create table script below creates a full text index for data and title.

CREATE TABLE tiki_blog_posts (
postId int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
blogId int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
data text,
data_size int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
created int(14) default NULL,
user varchar(200) default NULL,
trackbacks_to text,
trackbacks_from text,
title varchar(80) default NULL,
KEY data 255,
KEY blogId (blogId),
KEY created (created),
FULLTEXT KEY ft (data,title)

-- C --

posts: 1001 Canada
Fixed for 1.8.1 thanks to hsaelens

posts: 1

I had this problem with a clean install of 1.8 on WinXP. I removed the ,title from the FULLTEXT KEY entry used to create the table which now allows the search to function. I'm a new user so I'm unclear whether this will break anything else. Maybe someone closer the the project can shed some light?

Anyway, I ran the following SQL to drop and recreate the table. Let me know how you get on.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tiki_blog_posts;
CREATE TABLE tiki_blog_posts (
postId int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
blogId int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
data text,
data_size int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
created int(14) default NULL,
user varchar(200) default NULL,
trackbacks_to text,
trackbacks_from text,
title varchar(80) default NULL,
KEY data 255,
KEY blogId (blogId),
KEY created (created),
FULLTEXT KEY ft (data)

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