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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Version 12 LTS

posts: 2

I'm planning on testing the last LTS version before I implement it.
I see that v12 should be out in October 2013 (Last month). I'm assuming that it'll be delayed, right? Any Idea how long?


posts: 1633 Canada

Hi Tharbad!

Our policy is that *.tiki.org be upgraded to 12.x before we release: http://dev.tiki.org/How+to+release#8.__Dogfood_release_policy

doc.tiki.org and dev.tiki.org are running 12.x so it's in pretty good shape, but we are a few weeks away from 12.0

You can evaluate 12.x for the features but expect more bugs (which you can report at dev.tiki.org for them to get fixed). Tiki12 alpha is available here:

For more stability but fewer features, take 11.1

Best regards,

M 😉

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