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Architecture / Installation

PDF Generation Errors

posts: 3

I can't seem to generate a pdf file. I have had this error on 1.6, 1.7.X, and now 1.8, running on Redhat 9, Fedora core1, and Redhat enterprise Edge Server. I found a blurb on the Requirements And Software page for pdf generation, php-xml needs to be installed. The closed I could find in the redhat packages is a php-domxml package. Is there a different php-xml package that needs to be installed? Or would this error indicate something else?


Notice: Undefined index: notin in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: notin in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: notin in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: notin in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: notin in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: notin in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: notin in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc on line 393

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc:393) in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/pdflib/class.pdf.php on line 1916

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc:393) in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/pdflib/class.pdf.php on line 1917

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc:393) in /var/www/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/pdflib/class.pdf.php on line 1919

After this is a bunch of garbage text, that looks like a partial PDF.

posts: 3

OK, here is a little more data.

It works on some pages, others it bombs on. The error is the same as before. I can't figure out what is the deltas between the wikis that work, and the ones that don't. There are no images, just very simple text content (wiki formatted). If anyone is intererested, I can post an url to one that is on the internet.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


I do believe we have problems with PDF and images. I've not tested myself, but maybe you could look through the SourceForge bugs database to find something similar for clues.

I do think its a code problem tho.


posts: 3

Thats good to hear. I thought I was having a midas-fecal touch. Tx for the 411!

Overall, this is a killer tool. I'm getting people at work hooked on it.


posts: 8 United States

I am having a problem much like this, except there are no errors what so ever.

Tiki 1.8, FreeBSD, Php 4.3 with the settings shown at the bottom of this message.

I have changed the tiki-export_pdf.php file to enable pdf debugging (at the end of the file) and it dose spit out the raw pdf information for Wikis without images, however, any wiki with an image in it gives no output, only the standard HTML headers are sent via debug.

My PHP includes are as fallow:
./configure' 'enable-versioning' 'enable-memory-limit' 'with-layout=GNU' 'with-zlib-dir=/usr' 'disable-all' 'with-regex=php' 'with-pear' 'enable-bcmath' 'with-bz2=/usr' 'enable-ctype' 'with-curl=/usr/local' 'with-dom=/usr/local' 'with-dom-xslt=/usr/local' 'with-dom-exslt=/usr/local' 'enable-ftp' 'with-gd' 'enable-gd-native-ttf' 'enable-gd-jis-conv' 'with-freetype-dir=/usr/local' 'with-t1lib=/usr/local' 'with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' 'with-png-dir=/usr/local' 'with-xpm-dir=/usr/local' 'with-hyperwave' 'with-iconv-dir=/usr/local' 'enable-mbstring' 'with-mcal=/usr/local' 'with-mcrypt=/usr/local' 'with-mhash=/usr/local' 'with-mime-magic=/usr/share/misc/magic.mime' 'with-ming=/usr/local' 'with-mnogosearch=/usr/local' 'with-mysql=/usr/local' 'with-openssl-dir=/usr/local' 'with-openssl=/usr/local' 'enable-overload' 'enable-pcntl' 'with-pcre-regex=yes' 'with-pdflib=/usr/local' 'enable-posix' 'with-pgsql=/usr/local' 'with-pspell=/usr/local' 'enable-session' 'enable-sockets' 'enable-sysvsem' 'enable-sysvshm' 'enable-tokenizer' 'enable-wddx' 'with-expat-dir=/usr/local' 'enable-xml' 'with-xmlrpc' 'with-zip=/usr/local' 'with-zlib=yes' 'with-apxs=/usr/local/sbin/apxs' '--prefix=/usr/local' 'i386-portbld-freebsd4.9'

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