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Features / Usability

Can tiki...

posts: 5

I m new to Tikiwiki and i would like to know...
-Can Tiki do some page of review (like the amazon's)? (the user can only edit his review, let a mark (example 4/6) and up or down a review (helpful or not)). And the mark can be used to make an average, a sort...

-Can tiki make some chapter in the page only edited by admin or bot ?

If you know some wiki like that, tell me

posts: 3665 United States
Timo wrote:
Can Tiki do some page of review (like the amazon's)?
You could simply let folks post their "reivews" as comments on the page. Please see the docs for details. If you want to let folks "vote," you can use the Tiki rating feature.

Timo wrote:
Can tiki make some chapter in the page only edited by admin or bot ?

You can adjust the page's permissions (or the user's Group permissions) to make a page editable or not. Please see the doc for details.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 5
Thank you very much Ricky

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