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Architecture / Installation

Typical disk space needed for active site?

posts: 29 Canada


I've recently discovered TikiWiki and I think it has great potential for some sites I'm thinking about. I especially like that it uses Mapserver as the map engine. 😀

I am new to setting up such sites, so I am curious, how much disk space does TikiWiki consume for say:
- something comprehensive like TikiWiki
- something mostly text based (ie forums, wiki pages, and some document like files, no image galleries)

Thanks for your help, and keep up the good work!



posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi Liz,

The tw.o database is currently around 120+Mb plus around 30Mb for the files with CVS data. You can cut out things like languages/styles/avatars and get an installation to about 12Mb.

Hope it helps, feel free to ask more if you need

on http://mods.tikiwiki.org there are details on securing the tiki (also covers stripping out not needed files) under the Guides.
