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Problems with Navigation menu

posts: 11

I’ve installed tiki wiki 14.0 on my site and I’m trying to add a navigation menu similar to this one (left side navigation):

Can someone point me in the right direction for how to do this?

I have reviewed documentation for menupages module & categories, but I wasn't able to make it work either way so far. Unfortunately, I haven't found any clear, step by step documentation on how to do it.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

posts: 3665 United States

Generally, you need to create the menu first, then assign it to a module, then display the module in the left column.  Please see the docs for details: https://doc.tiki.org/Menu+HOWTO

If you're new to Tiki, you might find my beginner's guide useful: http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com/Configuring+Menus 


- Rick  |  My Tiki Blog |  My Tiki UserPage

Why be a dummy? Get smarty! TikiForSmarties.com
Tiki for Smarties, your source for the best (and only) Tiki books, guides, and tutorials.
posts: 11

Thanks Rick, I really appreciate it. I was able to follow your helpful tutorials to get this working on my site.
