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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

How to rebuild the index

posts: 44

The documentation says that if the installation is acting strangely to clear the cache and rebuild the index.
Under admin I have cleared caches.
It also informs me that the index was fully rebuilt in November, but I can find no function or documentation on how to rebuild the index in Tikiwiki, phpmyadmin, or MySQL. There is information on setting up a Cron job but this is currently outside my expertise.

Tikiwiki 12.6
On shared webhosting site with cPanel, Softaculous, etc

Please advise how to proceed.

PS. One strange thing happening is when I try to upload a file to the galleries it gets to 99% and then displays an I/O error (firefox) and Error 330 on Chrome. Until a few days ago uploads worked fine.

posts: 44

OK. I found the icon on the admin quick toolbar.

But I now get these errors when I rebuild and the common factor "'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long" is not something I remember adding to my installation. I do not have trainees so I am not sure how to pursue this.

  • Indexing failed while processing "20" (type trackeritem) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "21" (type trackeritem) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "22" (type trackeritem) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "23" (type trackeritem) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "24" (type trackeritem) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "25" (type trackeritem) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "26" (type trackeritem) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "27" (type trackeritem) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "3" (type sheet) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "7" (type sheet) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "1" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "2" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "3" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "4" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "5" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "6" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "7" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "8" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "9" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "10" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "11" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "12" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "16" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "15" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "20" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "19" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "21" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "24" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "30" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "31" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "32" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "33" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "34" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "35" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "36" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "37" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "38" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "39" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "40" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "41" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "43" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "44" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "45" (type comment) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "admin" (type user) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "zzzzboard@chaplaincyacademy.com" (type user) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "zzzzstudent@chaplaincyacademy.com" (type user) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "zzzzsupervisor@chaplaincyacademy.com" (type user) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "zzzztrainer@chaplaincyacademy.com" (type user) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Indexing failed while processing "zzzzwriter@chaplaincyacademy.com" (type user) with the error "Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long"
  • Search index could not be rebuilt.
  • Could not perform index modification: Identifier name 'tracker_field_traineeEngagedYouInDiscusionAboutTheirVisiting_text' is too long

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi jpurssey:

Which Unified search engine do you have set under the admin panel for (advanced) "Search"?
Try to change that to another one, and rebuild the index again. That should work.

posts: 44

Thanks Xavi,

I made some changes and increased the time and memory limits for the rebuild and that worked.

John Purssey

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi John,

Can you please confirm the unified search engine that you had before, and the one that you have set nowadays?

Because I'm afraid that the error type related to "too long" permanent name for the field shows up only in one of the unified search engines, not in the others. And we might push for a fix on that, once we confirm, thanks to your report, where is that still happening.

And please, indicate the Tiki version you are using.


posts: 44

Hi Xavi,

I was using the default search engine settings of the Softaculous 12.3 installation before, but I do not have a list of what they were. I did not make any changes then because I did not understand much about them. It was for me a case of 'if it works, don't fix it.'

There seem to be a lot of settings so I have taken a snapshot of what they are now.

Please advise if you need any further information.

Always pleased to help to improve the product.

posts: 2 India

1. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine and then
expand that instance.

2. Expand Databases, expand the database that contains the table with the specified index, and
then expand Tables.

3. Expand the table in which the index belongs and then expand Indexes.

4. Right-click the index to rebuild and then click Rebuild.

5. To start the rebuild operation, click OK.

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