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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

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Features / Usability

IE bug in center column

posts: 6

In 1.8, in moreneat (and most styles), there is a bug where the table flows under the right modules. This can always be seen on the Categories page. A notation in the moreneat.css says this was fixed, and yet, it isn't.

Can anyone tell me how to solve this? I've tried searching the forums, but of course, search is really quite useless right now. Thanks for any tips.

You will note that the bug exists on this site too (if use IE)

posts: 1001 Canada
should be fixed for 1.8.2 if marc was right 😉

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Simple answer: use mozilla 😉

Other answer: Ive seen it fixed in one of the other styles too. The fix from the other style could be universal enough to make its way into other syles.

What version of IE are you running?


posts: 5

I'm using Mozilla FireFix 0.8 and this bug happens quite often for me as well. Though I don't remember having this problem until after upgrading to FireFox from the last version of Firebird? Maybe my imagination though. I've seen it happen in Articles, Forums etc... Also if you refresh, sometimes it requires more than one refresh, it seems to correct itself. Both this site running 1.8.1 and mine which is still running 1.7.1. Moreneat here and a bluegrey... hybrid on my site.

posts: 5 United States
I've had this issue as well..seems like it's ok in neat.css but moreneat and others have this issue for me (i.e. 6.0)

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