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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Nested Trackers

posts: 122 United States

I'm trying to created a site that trackers orders of specifc products for customers. I want to basically have a tracker that captures the customer information (name, address, etc.) and then also a tracker to capture their orders.

So eventually I'd like to have one place where I can see something like this.


Order 1
Order 2
Order 3

Where some customers may have no orders and some may have many. If they have no orders I just want name and address to show. If they have orders I want all of them to show. I also need to have a way to go to that customers tracker and enter new orders as they come in.

I'm struggling to find a way to put this all together. Any suggestions?


posts: 122 United States

So I think I've got the structure figured out by having a plugin tracker create a wiki page for each new customer I have. Then on that created page I'm going to have another tracker that has a list of products that could be sold. The user will be able to go into that page and select the product. If I use page selector, when I go back to that page, I'll only see the items for that page.

But, the problem is I can't get the page selector to work. I posted a message about this a couple years ago for another project. I don't remember how I got around that at the time, but I can't get it to work now.

In the options for the page selector field, I have auto assign set to yes, display size set to 0, nothing in the create page box, and link set to no. Is there something wrong with this? Or is there something else I need to do to get this to work. The user selector works fine, but this doesn't pick up the page. I do have view=Page in the plugin tracker where the user is selecting.

I'm running Tiki 12.3.


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