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Features / Usability

Category Page Slow to Load

posts: 758 United States

Version: Tiki 15.2
DB Type: InnoDb
Theme: Utopia

I hope some one can help me here, our wiki is generally quick. The pages load nicely, and the site is efficient.
There is one page however that does not load quickly, our Categories Page. It never loads, or it'll load in a longer time than usual.
I have tried it with different browsers, and on different computers, and I get the same performance with the Category Page.

Our site is at www.thepatriotwoodwiki.org
If you'd like, please visit our home page, and click on Categories, I am open to any suggestions. All was working fine till two days ago, and nothing happened two days ago any different.
Thanks in advance.

posts: 3665 United States

Have you tried adjusting any of setting on the Admin: Performance page? See the docs for details. It also appears that you have the category count enabled. This is known to slow down the category page, as noted on the Performance page:


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posts: 758 United States
Rick, thanks a million for the lead. I'll dig in tonight when I get home. I'll report back with results. Thanks!

posts: 38 United Kingdom

Irrelevant, but I had a quick browse through your site and no matter what I do I cannot register - the REGISTER link just refreshes the home page... very strange...
Thought you'd like to know 😊

posts: 758 United States

Thanks se7vn for doing that!
Ya, our site does not allow registrations yet. It's good to know that function works!

posts: 758 United States
Well I was able to apply the settings via my mobile device. Looks like your suggestion did the trick Rick.

posts: 758 United States

Even though it seems the Categories load quicker, I think there is something wrong still. Because our wiki is so small still, we hardly have any pages or files on the site.
The warning message states: "Can slow the loading of the categories page on large sites."
Again our site is far from large, yet having the box checked virtually made the category page unusable. Should I report this as a bug?