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Architecture / Installation

Blank pages - no error msgs

posts: 46 Norway

I have the same problem everytime I upgrade and end up deleting my database and starting from scratch - totally. I need to find a solution to my problem cos it is driving me crazy...plus I have a reasonably well-stocked db now.

I have upgraded from athe 1.8 version (run perfectly) to 1.8.1. When I browse to my site I do not get any error messages, and the scripts pick up that I have tiki-view_articles as my homepage yet I get a totally blank page. All pages that call a template (I am guessing here) provide a blank page. I can see all the tests and txt docs. File permissions are all ok (I get an install error if I change the chmod). I can not call on any of the php files individually i.e. login_scr.php. Advice from the irc was to check that I had all modified templates and styles in place - I do. I have cleared the caches (all of them).

Everytime I try to refresh the site the module cache fills up with my rss feeds. Which tells me that the scripts are working with the db.

I know that if I take a totally fresh install (i.e delete my db )everything will be ok. (So this is not a php cache prob and not a safemode prob, and not a pear prob). What is happening.. any ideas... Please.

posts: 1001 Canada
Could you confirm that you can get this on several browsers, or with cleared cache?
posts: 7

> Chealer9:
> Could you confirm that you can get this on several browsers, or with cleared cache?

I get this with cleared cache on Firefox 0.8, on many pages. Seems almost random.

If I do a force reload (shift-reload) I can almost always render the same page ok.


posts: 46 Norway

Yes, I've tried on Opera 7.23, Mozilla 1.6 and I.e. 6. With cleared cache.


posts: 96 Romania
Perhaps you're using Apache 2.0? Switching to Apache cured a lot of headaches for me.

posts: 6 Iceland

I got 1.8.1 working after doing InstallEasyPhpAndTiki

However, I spent several hours trying to get TikiWiki working with XAMPP on Windows XP (XAMPP uses Apache 2) and got the blank pages problem.

I tried looking through the initialization code to see what was wrong but could not work it out. The initial installation seemed to work fine but tiki-index.php gave me an empty page with no error messages. I tried the installation 4 times without success. I believe Smarty and the database stuff was functioning correctly.

It would be nice if someone would write an installation sanity script.

posts: 46 Norway

hmm... no, my problem is not Apache 2. I think that its strange that every worked with 1.8 yet not with 1.8.1.

A q. When running tiki-install.php is the install interface supposed to come up or (if everything is "ok" ) does the site automatically load?

posts: 46 Norway

I'm still have the same problem - my main site is working well on 1.8 but I would like to upgrade because of some of the new features. My test site (same server different account and database) is still giving me blank pages.

I've upgraded to 1.8.2 now - still no change. The browser redirects to view-articles but I just get a blankpage (as with all pages including tiki-install.php).


posts: 1


Me too. I was after trying to upload a module.

posts: 1092

The usual answer:
Do you check the php memory limit? view_articles is a consumming page
Did you enable the display of all the php errors in admin -> general just in case you have an error?

posts: 1001 Canada

tiki-install.php shouldn't get you to tiki-index.php automatically.
Did you try running your DB on another 1.8.0 install? If it succeeds you'll probably be on your own and want to debug yourself. You should look in your servers' logs.
If there's still no clue, I think a good starting point is tiki-phpinfo.php. This is a very simple script. The only big stuff is tiki-setup.php inclusion 🙄
Check if it works. If it doesn't, remove the die so that the phpinfo() should be called and remove stuff from tiki-setup.php until it works.

posts: 46 Norway

> Did you try running your DB on another 1.8.0 install?
My DB did work sucessfully on a 1.8.0 install.

>You should look in your servers' logs.
I don't have access to the server's logs😑

> If there's still no clue, I think a good starting point is tiki-phpinfo.php. This is a very simple script. The only big stuff is tiki-setup.php inclusion 🙄
> Check if it works. If it doesn't, remove the die so that the phpinfo() should be called and remove stuff from tiki-setup.php until it works.

I've tried, but as I mentioned earlier, the problem arises when the output comes in a template. The call to tiki-setup seems to run ok, and I can see the phpinfo when I comment out the call for the smarty error template.
I don't know anything about smarty so I'm not sure how i'm going to tackle debugging alone.

Damian once mentioned that it was worrying that my openbase dir had no value - can that cause blank (white pages)?

posts: 46 Norway

> Did you try running your DB on another 1.8.0 install?
My DB did work sucessfully on a 1.8.0 install.

>You should look in your servers' logs.
I don't have access to the server's logs😑

> If there's still no clue, I think a good starting point is tiki-phpinfo.php. This is a very simple script. The only big stuff is tiki-setup.php inclusion 🙄
> Check if it works. If it doesn't, remove the die so that the phpinfo() should be called and remove stuff from tiki-setup.php until it works.

I've tried, but as I mentioned earlier, the problem arises when the output comes in a template. The call to tiki-setup seems to run ok, and I can see the phpinfo when I comment out the call for the smarty error template.
I don't know anything about smarty so I'm not sure how i'm going to tackle debugging alone.

Damian once mentioned that it was worrying that my openbase dir had no value - can that cause blank (white pages)?

posts: 7

> Chealer9:
> Could you confirm that you can get this on several browsers, or with cleared cache?

I get this with cleared cache on Firefox 0.8, on many pages. Seems almost random.

If I do a force reload (shift-reload) I can almost always render the same page ok.


posts: 1001 Canada
erik.green : if you're not getting that as the result of an upgrade, then make sure you read the numerous possible explanations to such problems (although usually it's reproducable) like those on TikiInstallTroubleShootingDoc. most suspicious could be the PHP memory_limit (check InstallRequirementsAdmin for that).

posts: 46 Norway

My blank page problem is kinda solved (thanks to Blacklily8's help); I changed a line in my smarty class. I set the $use_sub_dirs to false, even though I'm not operating in safe-mode.


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> Rachael:
> My blank page problem is kinda solved (thanks to Blacklily8's help); I changed a line in my smarty class. I set the $use_sub_dirs to false, even though I'm not operating in safe-mode.
> Rachael

If you have upgraded or changed hosts, make sure that all files within the templates_c folder are writeable as well.


posts: 46 Norway

> If you have upgraded or changed hosts, make sure that all files within the templates_c folder are writeable as well.
> Damian
All files are 777 but apache won't write there. I deleted the files and set them up and chmoded them myself but apache will still not write there. But it works ok in my 1.8.0 install.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> Rachael:
> My blank page problem is kinda solved (thanks to Blacklily8's help); I changed a line in my smarty class. I set the $use_sub_dirs to false, even though I'm not operating in safe-mode.
> Rachael

If you have upgraded or changed hosts, make sure that all files within the templates_c folder are writeable as well.


posts: 46 Norway

> If you have upgraded or changed hosts, make sure that all files within the templates_c folder are writeable as well.
> Damian
All files are 777 but apache won't write there. I deleted the files and set them up and chmoded them myself but apache will still not write there. But it works ok in my 1.8.0 install.

posts: 46 Norway

I’ve now inserted a little trigger error script in some of my pages and now I get the error messages up. The problem is my tempates_c dir. Apache can not find it and can not create a new – as a consequence I get quite a few error messages.
An error example is

ERROR: mkdir(/templates_c): Permission denied Triggered error the error occurred in line 68 of file './lib/smarty/core/core.create_dir_structure.php'

Most errors refer to the smarty/core, some refer to smart.class.php.

It doesn’t help changing the $use_sub_dirs to false– this just delays the problem. I just can't get apache to own templates_c - I've reinstalled, again. and when running set up I got setup.sh111:chown not found. Can this be the problem?

I also get another unrelated error(?)
ERROR: file(/proc/loadavg): failed to open stream: No such file or directoryTriggered error the error occurred in line 227 of file './tiki-setup.php'