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Re: Display a tracker item inside a wiki page

posts: 25 United States

Hi John,

The answer wasn't obvious, but here's the key phrase that I caught from Page selector:

"When used with the TRACKERLIST plugin (param view=page) in a wiki page, the plugin will only display the associated tracker item on that wiki page. When used with TRACKER in a wiki page (param view=page), the plugin will modify the item associated."

Here's what I did
1) Created my Pretty Tracker in a wiki page called "Tbox: People" by putting the following code into it (you'll notice it's still very much in rough draft form from the Tikipedia theme plus you'll see that I have a TRANSCLUDE added to it as well):

Copy to clipboard
{DIV( class="panel infobox col-sm-3 pull-right")} !!! {$f_7} {$f_8} !!!! A table || __A label__ | Some information __Date of Birth__ | {$f_1} __Place of Birth__ | {$f_3} || !!!! A second table || __Row 1 Column 1__ | Row 1 Column 2 | Row 1 Column 3 __Row 2 Column 1__ | Row 2 Column 2 | Row 2 Column 3 __Row 3 Column 1__ | Row 3 Column 2 | Row 3 Column 3 || {DIV(class="pull-right")}PORTAL: {TRANSCLUDE(page="Portal: People")}{TRANSCLUDE}{DIV} {DIV}

My page is here: http://ghsfha.org/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Tbox%3A+People

2) In each individual wiki page that I wanted the box to show up, I put:

Copy to clipboard
{trackerlist trackerId="1" view="page" wiki="Tbox: People"}

An example of one of my pages is here: http://ghsfha.org/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Billy+Henderson

The key statement from the Page Selector documentation is that the view="page" parameter is what tells that Pretty Tracker to show the Pretty Tracker only for the current page.

A couple of things I'd still like to figure out.

The first is how I can get the column names to automatically appear.

The second (which I haven't really investigated) is how to cycle through data to show more rows.

For example, in my initial movie example above, on the Raiders of the Lost Ark wiki page I would have a "trackerbox" with the data from the Movie tracker itself, and then some way to list a separate tracker that shows all the actors in that movie.

Such as:

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Release date: 1981
Director: Spielberg

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