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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

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Features / Usability

Large Wiki Structure Performance Issues

posts: 13 Canada

When accessing the tiki-edit_structure.php page for my structure it loads fairly quickly but then the page becomes unresponsive for 30 seconds. I have attempted to optimize my Apache/PHP/MySQL as much as I can but nothing I do seems to help. I have enabled slow logging in MySQL and the log file is populated with 19000 lines every time the tiki-edit_structure.php page is loaded. I have around 650 wiki pages in the structure.

Is there anyway that I can optimize the loading of that page or alter the query so that it doesn't take so long to execute?

posts: 126890 United Kingdom

Hi Liam

Could you post a couple of examples of the slow query log here and i'll see if i can do anything about it.

Not sure i'll be able to but there might be something fairly easy, you never know (this was drawn to my attention because i revamped the GUI to add drag and drop but i deliberately left the back end alone as it's old and quite weird! 😊

posts: 13 Canada
See attached for the log file. I had to zip the log file. This log file contains the log for one loading of the structure page.

posts: 13 Canada
Any progress on this?

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