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Revisions - How to configure?

posts: 4 Czech Republic


I would like to ask you about revisions. I already read the documentation here: https://doc.tiki.org/Flagged%20Revisions, but it seems to be a bit outdated.

I'm using Tiki 18.1 and I can't find out how to configure revisions. In "Control Panels -> Wiki -> Flagged Revision" it wants from me to "set Category", but I don't really know what Categories and how to configure them. When I click there on the Category link it shows me a lot of settings and I don't know how to configure it.

Could you please help me with this?

Thank you.

posts: 2434 Czech Republic

Ahoj! 😊

Categories are necessary to set the state of the revision, e.g. you can create category "Approved" and "Unapproved", so the Categories feature must be enabled first. Then you use the category IDs of the categories you create via Settings > Categories Admin ( tiki-admin_categories.php ) in the Flagged revisions settings.


posts: 4 Czech Republic

Thank you for answer. It helped 😊

So I created the categories. And in the "Flagged Revision" I picked the "Unapproved" category there. But it still seems it doesn't work. I created a page by a user with almost no permissions, but it doesn't show in the unapproved category...

Could you please help me with next necessary steps?

posts: 2434 Czech Republic

The pages which require revision approval need to be assigned to the category first. Actually it should be re-named to "Needs Revision Approval" maybe. If you edit the page and on the "Categories" tab you assign it to that category, then if any user with no Admin permissions will edit that page, it will require approval then.

If you need to set all pages to be created and auto-assigned in that category by default I think there is a setting for that too.

posts: 4 Czech Republic

If you need to set all pages to be created and auto-assigned in that category by default I think there is a setting for that too.
- It would be great! Do you know how? I found only this: https://tiki.org/forumthread51044

posts: 2434 Czech Republic
Apart of the options mentioned in the other thread there is also "Category defaults" preference on tiki-admin.php?page=category&highlight=category_defaults - you need to enable "Experimental" filter on top of the control panels as this feature is marked "experimental" still. There is a little help when you mouse over the help icon next to the feature.
posts: 4 Czech Republic

Ok, it helped. Its not much intuitive but I guess I made the changes I needed.

Thank you.

posts: 2434 Czech Republic
You're welcome. 😊 Also welcome to the Tiki community! We need more Czech users! 😉

posts: 8654 France

Hello and welcome Marek,

I didn’t jump into the discussion to avoid noise, but I setup a Tiki 17 with Flagged Revision following the doc at https://doc.tiki.org/Flagged-Revisions and it worked.

If you want to join the Tiki community and you can improve the doc, that will be awesome ! (Luci can you assist Markek ?)