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Modify Tracker Item, Item Auto Updates in Page

posts: 758 United States

Folks, I have trackers created, and I have an associated tracker form, and an associated pretty page template, so that when a tracker is created, the corresponding page is created in a pretty way.

After I create the wiki page via tracker form, I then realize I need to update an item, can I update the item in tracker, and have that item change in the wiki page as well?

Or even better, can I use the form again for the same page, and the item(s) are updated in the wiki page?

posts: 758 United States

Thanks Bernard, that is what I am talking about, I would like to be able to modify tracker, and the associated page updates.
And/or, can I somehow have a user modify by form?

Here is a link to tracker items: http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/tracker1

Here is a link to page created by one of the tracker items: http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/James-Krenov

Here is a link to form that is used to create the tracker items for "Notable People Past" : http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/notable+people+past.form

For example, "James Krenov" tracker item. If I modify "Birth date" at the tracker, the change does not reflect on the page that was created by the entries made by form for that tracker.

Thanks for any help on this Bernard, appreciate it much.

posts: 3665 United States

If you're using Pretty Trackers, you're on the right track... 😉

However, this page does not appear to be a from a tracker — it is a regular wiki page.

In your tracker 1, the Name of notable person field should be a Page Selector (not a text field) — this is how you would "link" it to the appropriate wiki page.

Then, in the wiki page (or ideally, a page template), you would use a TRACKERLIST to display the Birth Date, Country of Birth, etc.).


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 8638 Israel


I would use a single template page to display the items content instead of creating a new page for each person.
That way you avoid editing each page for the design or for the content.

I would prefer to use a wiki page (template) using plugin list and Semantic Alias so any call to an item is managed by the alias page. BUT this is not a fast way and it require times and tries. (I did twice and would have an hesitant start on the next one).

posts: 758 United States

"I would use a single template page to display the items content instead of creating a new page for each person.
That way you avoid editing each page for the design or for the content. "

Bernard, I thought I was already doing that? Unless I am confused, but here is my .tpl I used for the same page creation via trackers, here at http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/notable-people-past.tpl

posts: 8638 Israel
I used for the same page creation via trackers, here at http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/notable-people-past.tpl

This is content duplication to help you design a page. This "template" is like reusing time after time the same document as base to create new page.

What was suggested is to use ONE page as template to display the values from the fields from any item of your tracker.

posts: 758 United States

Thanks Rick! Actually that page was created by tracker! For my own information and education, what do you see about it that would indicate it was not created by tracker? Thanks!
And, that was the missing link, pardon the pun, the "Page Selector Field", that will accomplish what I wanted to do by linking the page to the tracker, thanks so much for that!

So, the trackers are used exclusively to populate the infoboxes on the wiki pages, you suggest using TRACKERLIST to display the tracker info. Will I be able to us TRACKERLIST for the infoboxes?
Thanks Rick

PS, in the links I submitted above I forgot to add this one showing the template I am using for pages in that wiki category of "Notable people past", http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/notable-people-past.tpl

posts: 758 United States
Rick, I am confused now, if I use Page Selector for Name of notable person, I am prompted to select a page, but the page is not created yet, not until the form is completed by the user and submitted will the page be created, so how do I handle that? Thanks
posts: 758 United States
I am not longer confused about this function, even though the page is not yet created, the submitted tracker links to the new page anyway, genius!

posts: 2430 Czech Republic

Hi John,
it is possible but you would need to change your workflow... Currently you create the wiki page using the page selector from your tracker data as a static output. You would need to change your output page template to be dynamic, having either a PluginTrackerlist or PluginList as part of the page reading the data directly from the tracker item fields (the info box on the right probably), so when you update the tracker item, it will reflect the change dynamically there then.

posts: 758 United States
So then Pretty Trackers is not the way to go? Using {$f_3} etc etc ? Does Plugin Tracker list replace {$f_3} ?
posts: 8638 Israel
Pretty Trackers is not the way to go ?

Pretty tracker is one way to go !
With pretty tracker a single page (template) can be used to display any items in your tracker.

What is not the way to go is to create one full static page per item. 😊

Does Plugin Tracker list replace {$f_3} ?

Pretty tracker is independent from the plugin TrackerList.

In short and once you have your tracker, tracker item, preferences, etc set to work with pretty tracker;
When you will load a page to display an item (itemId parameter is needed) that contain "{$f_3}" Tiki will replace {$f_3} with the content of the corresponding field (id3 to answer your case... we use more permaname now).

Magic !

posts: 2430 Czech Republic

Hi John,
yes, pretty trackers are way to go, you just need to change the way you are using the template to create wiki page and template to display the data from the tracker...

For example instead of:

Copy to clipboard
{tracker trackerId="1" fields="1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8" action="save" outputwiki="notable people past.tpl" outputtowiki="1" view="page" discarditem="n"}

do not use the notable people past.tpl for the outputwiki param but:

Copy to clipboard
{tracker trackerId="1" fields="1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8" action="save" outputwiki="notable people past.specimen" outputtowiki="1" view="page" discarditem="n"}

where in notable people past.specimen you would have something like:

Copy to clipboard
{trackerlist trackerId="1" wiki="notable people past.tpl" view="page"} !Early Life ''Enter your factual information of your research subjects early life, such as any information of parents, immigration, birthplace location, schooling, etc. Replace this text with your own.'' !Later Life ''Enter your factual information of your research subjects later life, such as extended education, military service, marriages, children, residence, a career path, and associations, etc. Replace this text with your own.'' !Career "Enter your factual information of your research subjects career(s), most likely something in woodworking or the related disciplines, what did he or she specialize in, what did they enjoy doing, what impact did their career choice have on the arts and crafts and industry of woodworking, etc. Replace this text with your own. '' !Image Gallery "Place images of interest here. Of course you can place images anywhere on this page, this is only a suggestion. Replace this text with your images.'' !Quotes ''Your research subject most likely has some great quotes either published or widely used, place those here. Replace this text with your own.'' !Publications ''Place the book titles and links here, these book titles and links should be literature that was created by your research subject. Replace this text with your own.'' !Further Reading ''Place the book titles and links here, these book titles and links should be literature that was created about your research subject. Replace this text with your own.'' !External Links ''Links that are related directly to your subject, these links should take the viewer to news articles, obituary, news reels or columns, documentaries, and other media depicting your research subject. Replace this text with your own.'' !References {footnotearea } !Bibliography

and then remove the editable wiki part from the tpl one keeping only the infobox there:

Copy to clipboard
{DIV( class="panel infobox col-sm-3 pull-right")} !!! {$f_1} {img fileId="{$f_2}" responsive="y"} !!!! Information || __Birth date:__ {$f_3} | __Country of birth:__ {$f_4} | __Occupation:__ (({$f_5})) | __Spouse(s):__ {$f_6} | __Date of death:__ {$f_7} | __Children:__ {$f_8} | __Birth location__ {map} | || {DIV}

The view="page" param of the PluginTrackerlist should ensure the information displayed is the correct one assuming the created Tracker Item page selector field matches the created page name.


posts: 758 United States

Gents, I want to thank you for the extensive help you have given here, I have not had the chance yet to implement the suggestions but for the page link, I'll be working on this tonight and this weekend to try your suggestions, I am still confused, but I just need to read through and absorb. I hope you'll check back in to this topic from time to time to see how I am doing, I know I'll need your help.
Trying to get the page to sync up with a tracker, has been a mystery to me.

posts: 758 United States

Luci, I went ahead and followed your suggestion above, and thank you completely for laying out a working example for me!
I attempted to create a wiki page Tage Frid, and I am getting a syntax error from the infobox call that is supposed to display tracker info.
Can you please see this page at http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/Tage-Frid
And can you please recommend how I correct that error?
Thanks so much Luci,

EDIT: Ok, so I was able to fix it, the infobox was missing the trailing div for it to display correctly, I simply failed to leave the infobox intact when I deleted the rest of that .tpl.
So, I now also see the genius in the having a separate template to display tracker items, I was able to simply go back to the .specimen template, and add the {DIV} at the end of the infobox syntax and the infobox in the actual project page was updated as well. This is completely awesome, so now in the future, all I need to do to modify an element that displays tracker information in a page is to modify the .specimen template, and it will update all pages that contain that template call.
I now understand what you all were saying above, thanks so much guys, all of ya, thanks.

EDIT: Ok, now I went to the actual tracker, and updated a field, and the tracker display in the wiki, updated as well, this is incredible that we got this working, thanks again guys. 😀

posts: 2430 Czech Republic

Hi John, glad it is working for you now and that you figured out the syntax error! Was busy on something else and did read your message just today...


posts: 758 United States

I have one issue with the tracker items displayed in a page, my subject image for the person in the infobox does not display now, if you go to http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/Tage-Frid
You will see the "file not found" error. Hmmm, I have refreshed, and cleared cache, but the image no longer will populate that field in page display.

posts: 2430 Czech Republic
Not sure it is what you mean but I get "Permission denied: the specified wiki page cannot be used as Smarty template resource" — that means the TPL wiki page for the infobox must have tiki_p_use_as_template permission given. (easiest to set that up is by clicking under the page the More button > Permissions)
posts: 758 United States

Permissions assigned Luci, thanks for that! I did not know that was not showing, because I saw it because I was logged in, I set the perm correctly and now non-logged in can see it, thanks for the tip!
Now you can see my infobox issue with display image.

posts: 2430 Czech Republic
Ah, perhaps the image is not displayed because it already has its own tags included from the trackerlist rendering... you need to use just the {$f_2} in the http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=notable+people+past.tpl&source=0 or you would need to add the list_mode=csv to the {trackerlist trackerId="1" wiki="notable people past.tpl" view="page"} (see https://doc.tiki.org/PluginTrackerlist#Parameters) but then you would get the dates in unix timestamps and would need to format them using Smarty modifiers anyway.

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