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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Upgrading from Version 17.0 to version 20.x --> /HomePage 404 page not found.

posts: 58

Update. I did a new attempt and upladed a non modified package of only crips clean files and whop-ti! The upgrade went well and worked this time.
However I notied something that I think seems add before I ran the upgrade and started to work on upgrading the system. There was a .htaccess file that had 777 (not set by me for) and you could not change the permissions of that file. Her eis shot recording (with sound) that I just made:

After i deleted the whole installation and ran the new crisp upgrade that worked the file came back with the same permissions e.g. 777.

I deleted that file now and uploaded the old .htaccess file instead and change the permission of that file to a secure number. I will that cause issues that I used the older .htaccess file?

Thanks again.
kind regards

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