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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Upgraded to latest version - no description fields in trackers?

posts: 58

Hello 😊
So I upgraded a few days ago to the newest version.
Now... I just logged in and wanted to add something to one of the trackers in the system, but the description field is bugging out and wont load. Its just blank:
2019 07 23 1919[1]

The browser code inspector shows that this error is occurring:

Copy to clipboard
Error: [CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name "ObjectLink" was not found at "https://sample-projects.com/vendor_bundled/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/ObjectLink/plugin.js?t=J39A". tracker2 line 111 > scriptElement:250:33 load https://sample-projects.com/tracker2 line 111 > scriptElement:250 f https://sample-projects.com/tracker2 line 111 > scriptElement:245 n https://sample-projects.com/tracker2 line 111 > scriptElement:245 u https://sample-projects.com/tracker2 line 111 > scriptElement:245 onerror https://sample-projects.com/tracker2 line 111 > scriptElement:246

Anyone here have a clue on how to fix this issue?
Kind Regards

posts: 1633 Canada
Try turning off WYSIWYG

posts: 58

Hi Marc.

Thanks for your suggestion. 😊

Ok, thanks Will try that and see what happens.

Not really a long term solution thought as the WYSIWYG is really useful.. But I guess it will at least show if the field will load properly.

Kind Regards

posts: 58

I did as suggested and once WYSIWYG is disabled the standard wiki editor loads within a few split seconds so that works.

But as soon as you turn on the WYSIWYG editor again it fails miserably and just hangs loading it/times out displaying the "loading" bar animation.

So I presume that this maybe is a bug (??) in the new version of TikiWiki?

Kind regards

posts: 2 Switzerland
I had a similar problem. It turned out, that a button in the WYSISWYG-Editor called "object" caused the problem. Check the config of the WYSIWYG-Editor menu. And check the error logs. Good luck!
posts: 58
Urs wrote:
I had a similar problem. It turned out, that a button in the WYSISWYG-Editor called "object" caused the problem. Check the config of the WYSIWYG-Editor menu. And check the error logs. Good luck!

Dude, you're awesome. I searched the WYSIWYG configuration panel and found the "objectlink" tool there. Removed it from the edited by dragging it out and saved it and BOOM! It works perfectly again.

Thank you so much for leading me on the right track.

Kind regards