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Issues while trying to upgrade from 18.4 to 20.0 a site using tikinewt theme


I'm running a Tiki for ages now and I tried to upgrade recently from 18.4 to 20.0.
I'm using the tikinewt theme and the whole site has hardly any modifications.
At the top there are two custom modules located:

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{tr}<img alt="Atoth CVC Logo" align="left" style="border: 2px; background:transparent; padding: 8px 8px;" src="img/atoth/cmr_logo.png" /><img alt="Atoth Site Logo" align="right" style="border: 2px; background:transparent; padding: 8px 8px;" src="img/atoth/atoth_logo.gif" />{/tr}

placing a logo on the left and another on the right.

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{tr}<h2>Semmelweis Egyetem, Városmajori Szív- és Érgyógyászati Klinika, Atoth Tikiwiki</h2><h3>Semmelweis University, Heart and Vascular Center, Atoth Tikiwiki</h3>{/tr}

a thick header messages between the two logos.

The Site layout is set to Basic Bootstrap.

The footer has a Custom CSS to make it center aligned:

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footer.footer { text-align: center; } #top_modules, #topbar_modules, #pagebottom_modules { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; }

This has been suggested to me previously on the IRC channel.

There are five problems with the new look&feel I'd like to mention:
1. The header no longer has the arrangement that the two logos are on the two sides of the thick message. The two logos are besides or slightly below eachother. It is variable based on the browser, but 18.4 has a consistent look&feel accross three major browsers.
2. Chrome put the left end the right column besides eachother right to the middle column.
3. The horizontal menu line below the header looks really weird in Chrome and in case of Explorer and Firefox it exceeds the window width creating a horizontal slider. In contrast 18.4 broke the wider horizontal menu into two lines in a consistent manner accross browsers and it looked fine.
4. In Chrome I can no longer see the borders of the modules of the left and the right columns. Meanwhile the middle column doesn't shows the neat internal structure and arrangement that could be seen in case of 18.4.
5. The Tiki logo, the style and some RSS feed links were located in the center of the footer for 18.4. In case of 20.0 I can no longer see the logos and the style, and it's on the left for Firefox and Explorer disregarding the Custom CSS.

I'd like to keep a consistent look&feel as it is now for 18.4 after upgrade. Please let me know if there are any suggestion how I can maintain the arrangement of the site for 20.0.

I've uploaded some example screenshots to show what I mean:
Screenshots 18.4 vs 20.0 for several browsers

Although offtopic, I'd also like to mention, that there were some errors while upgrading the database, like these:

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Error in unknown patch script ALTER TABLE `messu_messages` convert to character set DEFAULT COLLATE DEFAULT You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT' at line 1

This is repeated for almost each table of the database. Note, that I've recently upgraded to MySQL 8.0 from 5.7 and the default encoding is utf8mb4 now.
And there are a couple of these:

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ALTER TABLE `tiki_pages` CHANGE `data` `data` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci Column 'data' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index Error in unknown patch script

I don't think it has anything to do with look&feel, but if you have any clue about these, please let me know.

Thanks: Dw.


Which version of Tiki is being used at https://atoth.sote.hu/tikiwiki/tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=4 now? The site header looks correct in a couple of browses I checked with - Firefox and MS Edge (chromium-based) on Windows. And the side columns are totally visible with nothing cut off in both browsers. Is this Tiki 20 or 18?

About the database errors, I hope someone else can chime in on that as I have no idea.

-- Gary


I reverted back to 18.4. You may find some examples how it looked like in the image gallery linked in my first post. Or I can send some examples to you if it helps.
Would it be more informative to perform the upgrade and leave it as it is in order to let you see it for yourself?
Any comments on the database upgrade Errors?

Thank you Gary:


Rather than you switching your live site, I'll try replicating the problem in my local branch 20 site, using your site header content, etc.

-- Gary


I combined the data of your two custom modules into one custom module, like this:

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<img alt="Atoth CVC Logo" align="left" style="border: 2px; background:transparent; padding: 8px 8px;" src="img/atoth/cmr_logo.png" /><img alt="Atoth Site Logo" align="right" style="border: 2px; background:transparent; padding: 8px 8px;" src="img/atoth/atoth_logo.gif" /> <h2>Semmelweis Egyetem, Városmajori Szív- és Érgyógyászati Klinika, Atoth Tikiwiki</h2><h3>Semmelweis University, Heart and Vascular Center, Atoth Tikiwiki</h3>

And I used these parameters when assigning the module: nobox=y&topclass=w-100, the second of which is to force the div to be full width. In my local test, this appears to reproduce the appearance of the Tiki 18 site.

(By the way, sorry for the bad readability of the forum thread - I removed post backgrounds and borders on blog posts but that affected forum posts as well, but I corrected the error so these will back back in place shortly.)


About the topbar menu, if you edit the menu's module by changing (under the Module tab) CSS/Superfish to y and Use Bootstrap menus to n, then the menu items will wrap to a second row; at least that's the behavior in my local branch 20. Your menu does have quite a number of items for a page top menu, and apparently the Bootstrap default design is to display them in a single row, without wrapping.

I haven't looked into the footer issues yet.

Gary Cunningham-Lee wrote:

About the topbar menu, if you edit the menu's module by changing (under the Module tab) CSS/Superfish to y and Use Bootstrap menus to n, then the menu items will wrap to a second row; at least that's the behavior in my local branch 20. Your menu does have quite a number of items for a page top menu, and apparently the Bootstrap default design is to display them in a single row, without wrapping.

I haven't looked into the footer issues yet.

Based on your comments, I could manage to reproduce the look & feel of version 18.4.

I still experienced those database error messages I mentioned before, while upgrading to 20.1.
Bunch of these for a lote of tables:
"Error in unknown patch script
ALTER TABLE `messu_messages` convert to character set DEFAULT COLLATE DEFAULT
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT' at line 1"
and a couple of these:
"ALTER TABLE `tiki_pages` CHANGE `data` `data` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
Column 'data' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index
Error in unknown patch script"

I'm not sure how important are these...

Attila Tóth MD wrote:
Any comments on the database upgrade Errors?

I am running Tiki 20x with mySQL 5.7.x.

Are there any specific reasons why you want to upgrade your mySQL to v 8?

No particular reason. I'm running a rolling distro and it became available. I haven't run into major issues so far. Tiki seemed to function reasonably well despite the error messages, however I use just a few features.

I know that MySQL 8 came out a year ago, but when installed MySQL recently (a couple of months ago) on a local Ubuntu system, the default install is still 5.7.

In theory 8 version should work with Tiki but if you haven't done so already, it may always be worth asking the Tiki development teams if Tiki already supports version 8.

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