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Features / Usability

Populating Tracker Item with Licensing

posts: 758 United States

Good day folks, got a question.
I am building a tracker to upload images, so the the tracker will display the uploaded image, and other fields for description, summary, source, etc.
I also want the user to be able to choose from a list of licenses for an image, for example the list to choose from would include, "Public Domain", "Own Work", "CC BY - SA 4.0" etc etc.
So when the tracker is created and published, the license field will show the license in its entirety.

For an example please see any image on Wikipedia. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pakistan_International_Airlines_Airbus_A320-214_AP-BLD_(2).jpg

Scroll down and you'll see "Licensing". The user who uploaded that image, chose from a drop down list of licenses, once chosen, the license in long form is displayed.

Any suggestions or guidance is appreciated.

posts: 126890 United Kingdom
John Morris wrote:

I also want the user to be able to choose from a list of licenses for an image, for example the list to choose from would include, "Public Domain", "Own Work", "CC BY - SA 4.0" etc etc.
So when the tracker is created and published, the license field will show the license in its entirety.

Hi John

That sounds like an ideal job for a Items List and Item Link Tracker Fields, where the main tracker has an ItemLink field pointing to the title of the license, and then an ItemsList field showing the body of the license.

Is that enough to get you started?

posts: 758 United States

Thanks so much Jonny!
Appreciate it greatly, you gave me a jumping point to start from, let me see if I can figure this out as far as layout and coding, if I run into any issues I'll come back here and rattle yer cage.
Thanks sir

posts: 2430 Czech Republic

Hi John!

Another option would be (besides what Jonny suggested) to have a simple dropdown type field with "Public Domain", "Own Work", "CC BY - SA 4.0" options and then display that value using a template surrounded by wiki syntax for wiki page link (the double parenthesis syntax so the resulting link would be e.g.: ((Public Domain))) and have these same named wiki pages created with the full license text in the content of the page. Or use the PluginInclude instead of the link to include the license directly.

John Morris wrote:

Good day folks, got a question.
I am building a tracker to upload images, so the the tracker will display the uploaded image, and other fields for description, summary, source, etc.
I also want the user to be able to choose from a list of licenses for an image, for example the list to choose from would include, "Public Domain", "Own Work", "CC BY - SA 4.0" etc etc.
So when the tracker is created and published, the license field will show the license in its entirety.

For an example please see any image on Wikipedia. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pakistan_International_Airlines_Airbus_A320-214_AP-BLD_(2).jpg

Scroll down and you'll see "Licensing". The user who uploaded that image, chose from a drop down list of licenses, once chosen, the license in long form is displayed.

Any suggestions or guidance is appreciated.

posts: 758 United States
Luci, thanks! I will give that a try as well, appreciate it much!!!!

posts: 758 United States

I started working with Jonny's method and could not get too far, I am having an issue with just understanding the documentation to make this work in my instance, but I'll keep trying!

Luci, I tried to get your method to function as well, and I have not had the best luck. I tried the link to the page method, and all I got was a red link to a page that does not exist yet, but it does exist! The page Public Domain.
So I went further and tried to get the include plugin to work and I have not had luck with that either, the include seems to be the way I would want this to function, as I do want the license to appear in the tracker.

Here is what I have thus far.

The public domain license page at https://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/Public-Domain
The template that make the tracker pretty at https://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/Works.info
The template that displays the tracker at https://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/Works.tpl
The tracker itself at https://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/tracker7

And a test page I am using to show the end result at https://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/Chairs-of-Grundtvigskirken

If you cannot view any of the pages then I can share login in info with you. You may want to log in just to use the tracker that I am working with to see it in action.
I appreciate any help in advance, thanks folks.

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