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Features / Usability

Tracker record generation outside Tiki

posts: 5 Portugal

Hello to the community! This is my first post.
Although I've been using Tiki websites and webapps for a number of years, only recently I've been challenged to create one from scratch.

I have a general question on how a user on another site/webapp could generate a record on a Tiki tracker, that the same or other user could then complete inside the Tiki website/webapp on the same LAN or over the internet.

If this is possible what would be the best approach? What would be required from website generating the record and what would be required from the Tiki website?


posts: 126891 United Kingdom

Hi Aristo

You can generate tracker items via an http POST to the tracker service, we have just started a doc page API tracker but it needs lots more work...

One problem you will face is authentication if this is to be a public tiki - you could use Token Access but that is quite hard to set up.

Maybe you could put the tiki in an iframe on the other app and just get them to register and login as usual? What is the other app? (and why can't that be a Tiki too! 😂)

Sounds like a good challenge, good luck! 😁

posts: 5 Portugal

Hi Jonny,

It's great to know that the community is developing an API for the Tracker feature. I suspect that this API will cater directly to someone with the same needs as I have. I didn't quite understand what needed more work, the API or the Doc page.
It seems, though, I will consider this option in the future and not right away, it's not critical to deploy the Tiki web app, which has my total focus at the moment.

This web app is an extension of the company's ERP certified software, mostly used for CRM and financials. The ERP package offers other modules that we need for a "premium" (meaning "ridiculous" ) price... The idea is that a colleague could generate work orders directly from the ERP to the Tiki web app, that other teams would use to plan, register and report all procedures.

I tried with Odoo, which is a very nice and competent package, but it felt like H&M and what we really need is a tailor, i.e. Tiki. 😎

posts: 126891 United Kingdom

Hi Aristo

The services are all there so can be used now, what we need to do is document that (slightly started here API Tracker so others can start to use it.
After that we have been planning for a long time to add a REST adapter to them to turn that into a "proper" API, so a url like:
would become something like:
GET: tiki/tracker/update_item/2/178/fields~childrenIdNumber=17

aristo compasso wrote:
[...] which is a very nice and competent package, but it felt like H&M and what we really need is a tailor, i.e. Tiki. 😎

That's brilliant, can we use that? In fact, can you do some marketing for us! 😂😁 (if you're around how about coming along to the Roundtable Meeting 2020 09 later if you can?)

posts: 5 Portugal
Jonny Bradley wrote:
That's brilliant, can we use that? In fact, can you do some marketing for us! 😂😁 (if you're around how about coming along to the Roundtable Meeting 2020 09 later if you can?)

Sure you can, hehe. "Tiki. Tailoring the web since 2002" 😛

It's true that awareness regarding Tiki is lower than more or less comparable alternatives. It seems Tiki appeals more to a specific and knowledgeable crowd.
The first time I heard about it, version 7 or 8 was being used for the company's intranet. Although I'm not a web developer (I have created a number of websites, but mostly I program other stuff), Tiki became an immediate option for web/database development.

I'll be paying attention to the schedule of those meetings, when I can I'll participate, thanks.