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Features / Usability

Publishing/Exporting Site as a Single Document?

posts: 26
Are there any exporters available that can transform a TikiWiki site into a well-formatted, hyperlinked MS Word or PDF file? While I definitely want all my content online and love the editing options and versioning TikiWiki provides, I sometimes want a hard copy as well. I thought it might be possible to produce such a document using the "Structures" functionality.
posts: 758 United States
Structures would definitely do the job, if we can get those links to go live in the doc or pdf. I'll play with my structures a little and see if I can get a PDF saved with live links.
posts: 26
John Morris wrote:
Structures would definitely do the job, if we can get those links to go live in the doc or pdf. I'll play with my structures a little and see if I can get a PDF saved with live links.

Thanks for looking into the possibilities. I was thinking a script that converted the wiki markup and page category into a MS Word style might be helpful. I'm not that familiar with tikiwiki. It uses PHP? I'm familiar with Python. A future solution might convert tikiwiki into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_Information_Typing_Architecture" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">DITA or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DocBook" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">DOCBOOK.

posts: 758 United States

I did a few tests and printed a pdf to doc, a wiki page with links both externally and internally, strange thing is in the pdf it does recognize links outbound from the wiki, but it does not recognize internal links.

If you have structures implemented, and structured your entire wiki, a pdf with links working would achieve what you want I feel, but not until we can figure how to get pdf to recognize internal wiki links. Still playing with it.

See attached pdf, external links work, internal links do not.

posts: 758 United States
luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ wrote:
Hi, I don't see the attached PDF. Where is it? ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Luci, Tiki won't let me attach, I can go through the motions, but when I save the forum post, there is no attachment.

posts: 26
John Morris wrote:
I did a few tests and printed a pdf to doc,.
John, did you use the built-in "page actions" pulldown in the top right of every wiki page or did you write your own script for PDF export?
posts: 758 United States
Da'ud Vyd wrote:
John, did you use the built-in "page actions" pulldown in the top right of every wiki page or did you write your own script for PDF export?

Built in page actions! ๐Ÿ˜Š

posts: 26
I did a few tests and printed a pdf to doc, a wiki page with links both externally and internally...

Thanks John. How did you go about doing this? SQL, PHP, Python?

posts: 758 United States
Da'ud Vyd wrote:
Thanks John. How did you go about doing this? SQL, PHP, Python?

Nothing related to php, sql or python, just the controls in admin control panel, print settings, then scroll down to "Wiki Print Version" then check mark box Print Wiki, then a dialogue will show in the drop down small menu at upper right of your wiki pages and articles, to print, and you'll be able to print to pdf. You can check mark the "Print Articles" box to to enable that function.

Do a test page, on that page have internal links, and external links, in my generated pdf doc, the external links are clickable, but not the internal links for some strange reason.

posts: 8638 Israel
Da'ud Vyd wrote:
Are there any exporters available that can transform a TikiWiki site into a well-formatted, hyperlinked MS Word or PDF file? While I definitely want all my content online and love the editing options and versioning TikiWiki provides, I sometimes want a hard copy as well. I thought it might be possible to produce such a document using the "Structures" functionality.

I have no answer to your question, however I have noticed that browers treat PDF output from Tiki (Chrome and Firefox namely) differently and thatโ€™s related. ๐Ÿค—

One thing is sure for me about printing a PDF from Tiki;
Tiki + Browser + OS (?) = too many ways to do the same thing and users are confused.
To avoid this I usually set a "Print PDF" button that do what it says.

We should evaluate, simplify and keep only ONE good working way.

posts: 758 United States

So I was able to export a pdf doc of a structures page. And all the links are clickable.
See attached. It's sloppy, there are items that I don't want printed, I'll have to figure a way to clean it up, but the foundation is there.
You could create a structure of all your pages, then print the structure to pdf.

posts: 26
This is great news! I'll try it over the next few days. Thank you.

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