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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

tiki 26.0 clean install new database File gallery settings.

posts: 95

{QUOTE(thread_id=>79182)}Then I guess it is something with your setup (Tiki or Server) or eventually with Tiki26.0.
This is a critical feature and it would have been reported by now.

It is a shame you can't test your database with a Tiki26.x.
If you need more help, contact me in private.

HI there Bernard
Thanks again for your help / suggestions

I am replying here in case anyone is following this saga 😊

It turns out that my hosting provider has shell_exec() disabled by default for php 8.1
So main issue now resolved.

Can anyone confirm that they can download tiki 26.x from the daily build page?


I have tried 3 different browsers 2 different computers and 1 phone and get
a "The requested URL was not found on this server." 404 not found error message every time.
This has been the case since V 26.0alpha was released.
I can download v 25.x from the same page no problems.

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