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Features / Usability

strange behavior in the permissions of d/ling a file

posts: 29 United States

I have a bunch of files galleries(~50) and files(~400). For the most part, I want only people within a certian group to access certian files, but I want them to do it via html pages, not the gallery. So there is a page with href="http://www.foo.com/tiki-downloab.php?fileId=#". The problem is that although they are logged in, if the try to d/l the file, they get a "you cannot dowload files" error. However, if they go directly to the file gallery, there is no problem. So it would appear that TW is "forgetting" people's identity between the HTML page with the link and the actual document in the database. I can't seem to figure out what is going on, unless there is some reason for the session to get killed or something. I look in the php and tpl file for some clues, but found none. I am getting a bit desperate. Has anyone seen this before and have a solution? I don't mind rewriting sections of code if need be. I am running 1.8 and cannot really upgrade, as I have made a lot of custom changes both the various php and tpl scripts. I can selectively upgrade various ind. pages if need be though. Any advice would be appreciated.


posts: 63 United Kingdom

Are you usuing TIKI's HTML pages or your own?

If you're using your own, you might consider switching or using the tikiIntegrator to integrate them. (Personally I'd recommend tiki's HTML pages for the most part and iframes to get anything you can't embed - that way tiki will be able to place permissions on your html pages too).

Otherwise I think the curse-word you're looking for is probably "LDAP" 😉.

posts: 29 United States

Actually, I am using Tiki's pages in all cases, so the perms should not be getting in the way at all. That is what is so confusing. So for the only thing that works is to allow the files to be downloadable by Anon people and that is a really bad solution.

When you say LDAP, are you saying that I should use LDAP? Cause I don't right now, and don't think that my host allows it.

😕 This is really odd

posts: 39
I'm having the exact same problem. That this hasn't been resolved since 2004 looks a bit worrying.

posts: 4661 Japan

eamonnca1, generally since 2004 the file access permissions have worked as expected. That said, bugs do come up from time to time as code changes. I don't know exactly what problem you are experiencing, but at my Tiki 3.2 site, I can make a group and a file gallery and when I put a download link for a file from that gallery in a public wiki page, the link works for a member of that group but other people get the no-access message. Is this different than what happens for you, or is my test different from your situation?

-- Gary

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