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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Calendar display problem

posts: 9

I'm not sure where to ask this, so I've also posted this on the Sourceforge forums (https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=2610782).

I've used the "edit Template" feature in Tikiwiki to look at the tiki-calendar.tpl file to see why the middle column is displayed behind the right column after not finding a problem in the stylesheet (see image001.jpg below for a screencap, or look at the calendar on http://www.tikiwiki.org). Now the calendar is not displaying correctly: showing code and very wide! When I compare the installed file to the original v1.8.2 file there are no differences!

Can anybody explain why I see the code in my production install and why it's so wide (have to scroll horizontally)? Image002 below is what I see.

Your help would be appreciated...






posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Because the built in editor for templates removed the script tags needed for the javascript.

Its in all Tiki versions since 1.8.2 and until someone codes a suitable SECURE bypass for the safety net, the only way to edit the templates is through SSH or FTP access unless your running locally.


posts: 9

Thanks for the reply Damian - I'll see if FTPing the original file (again) will help - your explanation does make sense, and I'll refrain from using the online template editor.

Do you know of a solution for the reason why the center column is not displaying correctly - sliding behind the right column (as in image001 above)? Any pointers to where in the stylesheet and/or templates to look would be great - I couldn't find it yet...


posts: 9

Thanks for the reply Damian - I'll see if FTPing the original file (again) will help - your explanation does make sense, and I'll refrain from using the online template editor.

Do you know of a solution for the reason why the center column is not displaying correctly - sliding behind the right column (as in image001 above)? Any pointers to where in the stylesheet and/or templates to look would be great - I couldn't find it yet...


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