How to raise the file upload limit? Posted by Thomas Despoix 01 Jul 2004 12:30 GMT-0000 posts: 54 I would like to raise the file size limit from 2Mb to at least 5Mb. I tried to raise the constant in php.ini but it doesn't seem sufficiant. Is there a tiki specific config paramater for this?? Thanks in advance
Posted by Stephen Lee 01 Jul 2004 12:36 GMT-0000 posts: 154 Go into /etc/php.ini and edit upload_max_filesize to 5MB
Posted by al123 01 Jul 2004 22:09 GMT-0000 posts: 32 If you're using apache you may also need to make a change to your httpd.conf you can add SetOuputFilter PHP SetInputFilter PHP LimitRequestBody 5000000 This works for Apache 2, don't know if its needed elsewhere. Cheers Andrew
Posted by al123 01 Jul 2004 22:13 GMT-0000 posts: 32 My last post had some of the syntax chopped from it First line should be lessthan Files *.PHP greaterthan 3 lines as below (no ?) lessthan/Files greaterthan It it's all too confusing look for LimitRequestBody with google Cheers Andrew