Moving entire tiki installation to new server
Apologies if this has been asked before. I searched but couldn't find a good answer... 🙁
I need to move my entire tiki installation to a new server. I have MySQL and PHP up and running, and have created the tiki database with mysql user tikiuser. Now the question is, HOW do I move/copy/recreate all my Tiki information to the new setup?
I tried a few things:
New tiki install, same version 1.8.3. (Created the tiki database in mysql, then configured it in tiki install). Logged in as Admin. Then tried to import a mysql dump file from the old tiki using the Backups feature. It crashed.
Some problem with line 1663 of tiki-install.php: "feature_debug_console"
I have some modified tiki files, like tiki-top_bar.tpl, and others, that I would like to bring over, as well as all my tiki settings (modules etc.) How is this best done? I have been trying for hours and hours...
- James