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Tiki is Free / Libre / Open Source software. Thus, you do not have to pay anything to anyone to Get Tiki, install and use Tiki on your computer or a server you own. However, if you want your website to be accessible online with a URL like http://example.com, you may need to use a web hosting service shared web hosting and a domain name. Web hosting is typically a paid service as companies offering this service have to pay for the computer hardware, electricity, bandwidth, personnel necessary to provide their services.

As Tiki is a mature application, it is widely tested in all kinds of configurations. The vast majority of web hosts meet the Tiki minimum Requirements.
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The following web hosts have reasonable prices, offer e-mail accounts and domain names and contribute a share of their hosting proceeds to the Tiki Software Community Association. So by subscribing while clicking through a link below, you are getting a good deal and indirectly helping Tiki financially. These hosts also coordinate with the Tiki community to help improve performance and security.


Start your hosting with a2hosting

When you want Tiki Wiki Hosting, you want the high performance host featuring the SwiftServer platform. That's us! At A2 Hosting, you can host your wiki on our blazing fast Turbo Servers featuring up to 20X faster page loads compared to competing Tiki Wiki Hosting providers. You're going to love them!


Start your hosting with Hostmonster

Hostmonster is a US-based company specializing in shared hosting. See their features page for details. By subscribing now and taking advantage of the 1-click installer, you can have your Tiki-powered site up and running in minutes.


  • As of December 2023, Softaculous 1-click install on mid-level shared InMotion hosting yields an installation that can run Tiki but: (1) Does not have the InnoDB database engine, which is default for Tiki (Tiki can run without InnoDB); and (2) Does not have the Tiki package composer (this will become a problem when you want to install external packages). Citing these two issues, InMotion tech support wrote that, on its shared hosting, "You won't be able to install composer, switch the db engine, etc. This software absolutely could be installed on a VPS but as it stands not on this shared server and most of the shared fleet." So InMotion customers may wish to consider a VPS for Tiki.
    • Beyond the fact that VPS is more expensive, folks looking for shared hosting likely do not have skill, time or interest to manage a VPS. If they do get a VPS (from any provider), I would recommend they install WikiSuite on it, as it has a Tiki installer built-in: https://wikisuite.org/Virtualmin-Tiki-Manager
    • As for InnoDB vs MyISAM: I just reinforced at MyISAM that it's fine to run without InnoDB
    • When we designed Packages, we anticipated that some shared hosting providers would have this limitation so we added a method for a manual install, described here: https://packages.tiki.org/. Because of Tiki's all-in-one model, almost all available features are built-in, and there are only 17 available packages. Most sites will use zero to four packages, so a manual installation is not very time consuming.

Please Visit Our Shared Hosting Landing Page

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Managed Tiki hosting from EvoluData.com, the largest community contributor to the Tiki project.

Please visit: TikiHosting.com

Other options

In addition to these providers, many hosting companies and cloud providers offer Tiki for easy/1-click installation or Tiki friendly configurations. See this community maintained list of Tiki Friendly Hosts.

See Running Tiki for more information on getting started.