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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


my tiki: http://yblaster.com/

Di, Apr 20 2010
thanks for answers, but i think its not good that you modify my text, better make a reply.

can the youtube plugin feed with a list of clips?
<a href="http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/forums/jw-player/feature-suggestions/3092/no-i-meant-a-youtube-playlist" title="No, I Meant A YouTube Playlist | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player">No, I Meant A YouTube Playlist | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player</a>

Di, Apr 13 2010

hi folks, i am back.
and i have a lot of questions which need to be answered, otherwise i can't use tiki.

how do i change the register email message?

ML: Welcome back! http://themes.tiki.org/Template+Tricks#How_do_I_change_the_email_messages_

why do i see as admin the login box when its only assigned to guests?

Because admins get all rights. You can change at tiki-admin.php?page=module "Hide anonymous-only modules from Admins"

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