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Tiki Feature - A major feature in Tikiwiki. Features are accessible from the application menu. Examples are Workflow, Wiki, Image Galleries, Articles, Blogs, Forums, Directory, File Galleries, FAQs, Maps, Trackers, Ephemerides, and Charts. Homework is a Tiki feature.
Page -


Buttons - are specified like this:
Copy to clipboard
[click me]

Application Menu

The following new items are available on the application menu when logged in as a teacher:
New Assignment
Grading Queue
Last Changes

The following new items are available on the application menu when logged in as a student:
Last Changes

Forms and Reports and Pages (Oh My!)

Edit/Create Assignments
Implemented in: tiki-hw_teacher_assignment_edit.php, templates/tiki-hw_teacher_assignment_edit.tpl, templates/tiki-hw_teacher_assignment_edit_preview.tpl, lib/homework/homeworklib.php and hw_assignments.sql.

Edit Assignments;

list assignments

Due Date: Set by pop up menu, default is one week from edit date.

Teacher: Text field, default is the current login.

Summary: Text field

Details: Wiki-like text field.


Create/Edit Assignment RFEs

Assignment Templates

  • a enhancement would be to be able to "save as template" an assignment:
    • teachers would be able to create their own assignment templates, something that they will want to do, i think.
    • see rfe 689553.

Teacher Assignment Page

You reach this page by click on the Assignments item when you are logged in as
a teacher.
Teacher Assignment Page (tiki-hw_teacher_assignments.php)

Copy to clipboard
[new assignment]
Due Date Summary Description Works in Progress Grading Queue
Friday August 6, 2004 2 A.M. Essay: Hiroshima and American Imperialism 20 items 14 items
Friday August 13, 2004 2 A.M. Book Report: 1984 by George Orwell 5 items 0 items

Many of the items in the table are clickable:

  • Clicking on "Due Date" toggles the sort order.
  • Clicking on "Grading Queue" sorts the table in order of the number of items in the grading que.
  • Clicking on a "Summary Description" item takes you to a page with the full description for that assignment.
  • Clicking on a "Work in Progress" item takes you to a page with links to all the pages where students have been working.
  • Clicking on a "Grading Queue" item takes you to a page with links to the pages where students have completed their work.

Teacher Assignment Page Implementation:

  • tiki-hw_teacher_assignments.php
  • tiki-hw_teacher_assignments.tpl

Student Assignment Page

Sort of like a wiki page. Add more details...

Grading Queue

When a student is viewing his work with tiki-hw_page.php?assignmentId=n, he can submit his work for grading (and peer review when that gets into the feature). The submitted work goes into the grading queue — then teachers (and anonymous graders and peer reviewers when those features are programmed) can see the student's work on their list of pages waiting for grading.

In the current implementation, assignments always have due dates. It is easy for the student or teacher to looks at the work and see when it was done and compare that to the due date. So everyone knows if the work was ontime or late.

The question is: Precisely how do we want the grading queue to work? Will the students be prohibited from submitting work after the due date/time? Will the teacher be able to close off or open up submissions manually? Should the teacher be able to issue a command an lock all student's work? If so, what happens if a student is in the process of editing it when the teacher issues the lock command?

After some thought. I've decided that for the first prototype, there will be no "Submit for Grading" button or function. The students will be free to open their work for editing (i.e. use tiki-hw_editpage.php?id=n) up to the due date/time. This means they may actually enjoy a grace peroid of the session limit for the tiki server. The second Homework prototype may have more options.


When a student or a teacher views an hw page, they can also view the history of revisions to that page. This functionality is implemented in tiki-hw_pagehistory.php and templates/tiki-hw_pagehistory.php. The teacher has the ability, because he has tiki_p_hw_teacher, to delete earlier version of the hw page.


  • marking up can/ should be done using custom QuickTags
  • the queue should have levels of editing, a teacher should have the option of setting how many students correct the work before the teacher sees it
  • students want to know that a paper has been recieved... the homework queue should tell the student on submission that the paper has been recieved AND should send the copy of the paper back to the student for their records

  • needed for any writing assignment
    • unique word count
    • total word count
    • accurate spellcheck
    • page > paragraph > numbered sentence
      • broken down by sentence punctuation ., !, ?
      • regex
      • wiki tagging of spelling errors

Page last modified on Tuesday 20 April 2004 16:23:05 GMT-0000

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