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This page is dedicated to the desing of the homepage of Tiki.The pages on info.tiki.org are those first impression pages for folks arriving to Tiki. In order to keep them organized they can not be edited directly on the info.tikiwiki page, they are discussed and desinged here first, then go public

Communication related content

Proposed info.tiki.org layout - add your ideas here!

  • Unify text with promo sheet & use famfamfam icons?
  • The opening page of Tiki should give a quick and easy overview on what Tiki is about with as few clicks as possible
gezza: I think we should avoid using links for the Features, Join!, etc subpages and try to make a tabbed layout where you can navigate without page reload. Currently there is no such feature in Tiki but maybe it should go on the roadmap to have plugin for this. It could be called "tab plugin" and should be similar to the existing "versions" plugin (maybe this one could be enhanced to use ajax and a few more parameters).

previous welcome text


Current issues:

  • what to include in the article listing
Tiki News listing syntax
Copy to clipboard
  • tab switching reloads the page
  • can not center H1, the syntax does not work
Copy to clipboard
    • Need to use a DIV:


  • anonymus in users can not navigate, when trying to switch tab the page just reloads but the tab is not switched. When logged in it works fine. This is caused by cache! If it need a refresh from cache, navigation will not work. After you refresh (with the green arrow icon on the top), navigation will work for anonymus
  • the first H1 of a tab is not processed correctly. workaround is to start a raw, put one space than press enter and put the H1 in the 2nd row, than it is fine in preview mode but not fine after save
  • having a wikilink in a H1 disrespects H1 style

Tabbed design using VERSIONS plugin

Image Join the Tiki Community

Image Registering at Tiki's Community Portal gives you access to all Tiki Community sites, like
through Tiki's own Image InterTiki feature!

Image Once you are part of the community, please help others, improve the docs, and contribute code.

Image Stayed tuned about Tiki!

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Identi.ca
  • LinkedIn
  • Ohloh
  • Social Source Commons
  • Last.fm
  • SlideShare
  • UStream.tv

Image Spread the Word!

Link to pages that contain tiki buttons, banners, and badges for users to place on their sites

Link to tikiwiki resources on:

Tabbed design using TABS plugin

Welcome to Tiki!

Tiki is a web-based, multilingual, wiki and content management system (CMS) tightly integrated with a comprehensive set of groupware features. It is a free and open source software created by a large, international development team.

Tiki includes hundreds of well integrated features. In most situations, Tiki “does it all”, you do not need to find other software to fill in a missing piece.
Because of this, Tiki helps you to easily create all types of collaborative applications:

 Plugin Image
Use one and only one of the following parameters: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.
Image portals
Image knowledge bases
Image intranets
Image extranets

Tiki’s web-based, graphical interface makes it easy to configure the features you need. Tiki’s enormous set of features allows you to have the confidence that it will adapt well to all your requirements, now and in the future.

Image Get Tiki!

Current Stable Release: 3.1


Whatever you are looking for, chances are Tiki has it. Your search for the most feature-complete CMS is over.

Read the Top 10 Reasons to use Tiki and get started with Tiki today!

TikiWiki is Free and Open Source software (LGPL 2.1 (external link)). You do not have to pay anything to anyone to use TikiWiki. However, you may choose to get hired help for setup, hosting, training, etc.

These consultants are active contributors to the TikiWiki community. By hiring them, you are permitting them to spend more time to contribute to TikiWiki.

When you do hire people (they don't have to be on this list!), make sure to insist the fixes and enhancements are re-contributed back. This is good for you so you don't end up with a forked-version which will be difficult/expensive to maintain. It's good for the whole community as it accelerates Tiki's progress.


* Jonny Bradley (external link)
* Louis-Philippe Huberdeau (external link)
* luciash d' being (external link)
* Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) (external link)
* Hans van Ee (The Netherlands) (external link)
* Stéphane Casset (external link)
* Sylvie Gréverend (sylvieg) (external link)
* Ian N Higginson (external link)
* Tom Bouillut (external link)
* Philippe Back (Belgium) (external link)
* Rick Sapir (external link)
* Xavier de Pedro (external link)
* Régis Barondeau (external link)
* Alexander Mette (external link)
* Gilles Maire (external link)


* AvanTech.net (external link)
* High Octane SPRL (external link)
* HighProductivity (external link)
* Enmore Services (external link)
* UNGI (external link)
* 3RCorp (external link)
* Citadel Rock Online Communities (external link)
* CGCOM (external link)

Avonsys (external link) monitors the sites of the Tiki community. Avonsys can monitor your site too in addition to offering general Tiki-related services.

You may also be interested by:
http://www.wikimatrix.org/consultants/TikiWiki+CMS-Groupware (external link)

Image Tiki News

Image Image (Subscribe by email Image )

Tiki 27.0 LTS: A Leap Forward for Collaborative Software

Gary Cunningham-Lee -
The Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware community is excited to announce the release of Tiki 27.0 LTS. This Long-Term Support (LTS) version, which promises to be a game-changer for those anticipating the feature enhancements, will be supported until June 2029.

Tiki 27.0 LTS is not a typical LTS release, which usually focuses on refining features rather than introducing major changes. This time, the Tiki developers have implemented significant updates, including Smarty 5 and a new build system. These enhancements are steps in a continuum, with more major changes coming in Tiki 28. The effort from Tiki 24 LTS to Tiki 27 LTS represents, by far, the most development work (quantity, complexity, and repayment of technical debt) that has gone into Tiki between any two LTS releases, including thousands of code commits and the most challenging PHP upgrade in Tiki's 20+ year history. Thanks to EvoluData and all the Tiki developers who made this possible.

This version supports PHP 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3, along with MariaDB 10.5+ and MySQL 8+, ensuring compatibility with the latest server technologies.

Major enhancements

These are some of the features receiving major enhancements: Tiki's API functionality was expanded to support data and system management for Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Major changes were made in calendar event handling, recurring events, and the ability to specify periods of user availability when creating events and to specify appointment slots. And the Markdown editing experience was made more user-friendly while retaining compatibility with traditional Tiki syntax, via the TOAST UI editor. Webmail has also been enhanced as Cypht was upgraded from version 1.4x to 2.0x.

Continuous improvement

Along with the move forward in PHP version support, the Smarty template engine was updated from version 4 to 5. In other areas, the search feature, including semantic search, have been enhanced, and the onsite user-mentions feature has been improved with new features . . . .

My thoughts on Cypht Webmail

Marc Laporte -

Over the last 5 years, I have become increasingly involved in Cypht, an Open Source webmail client.

This project is awesome! It permits me to:

  • aggregate emails from various sources in one nice list
  • search throughout multiple accounts
  • move emails to the right account (work vs personal vs volunteer, etc.)
  • automate email management with Sieve filters
  • all via a web interface, so I have the same experience on all my devices (mobile or desktop)

WikiSuite is 13 years old!

Marc Laporte -

So I launched this 13 years ago! I am very pleased with the current state and progress. It will just get better and better as the community grows 😊

Here were the initial vision/goals/plans:

A slideshow: https://wikisuite.org/Initial-Slideshow
An interview (in French): https://wikisuite.org/Initial-Interview

It was originally called "Tiki Suite" as a suite of tools around Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, and also because suite also means next in French. So the next step for Tiki 😊

Proposed tv.tiki.org layout - add your ideas here!

Splash screen

Here is a draft of what it should look like

Here is an Image excel sheet of the links related to the splash screen.
If you open the excel sheet, have a look at the tab that says: Proposed Look & Feel

Interesting links

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 15:59:12 GMT-0000