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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


More Modules

What is this?

This page mostly created for yet another example of

  • MODULE/-+SPLIT+-/-+BOX+- wiki plugin 😊
  • some module parameters (possible undocumented yet 😊
  • this is good way to access more modules than site admins place around 😊 — at least I will use it to check whats happens while I was offline 😊
  • how powerful Tiki can be 😊
  • best viewed with Notheme-II/Notheme-III themes
  • all Notheme series themes have redefined style for modules on wiki page 😊 (i.e. its differ than usual modules... it (try to) looks like a part of wiki page... not like smth external 😊

Just add this URL to your User Menu for fast access 😊 to this page

Page last modified on Monday 24 November 2003 02:47:32 GMT-0000

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