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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Release Process 1.9.1

Bugs Fixed

  • support mysql 4.1
  • Added options to disable bot_bar logos and debug junk Damian
  • Increase cookie field length amette & Damian
  • added missing favicon mose
  • admin : disallow blank admin password damian
  • admin groups : changed display of included groups rv540
  • admin users : fixed error when char+numbers enforced in password garygriffin
  • admin users : fixed message for batch upload rv540
  • articles : Allow selecting a topic in RSS feed for articles aigarius
  • articles : fixed date management for listing runix2
  • articles : fixed watches on articles chealer plindstrom
  • calendar : fixed php notice when newsletter disabled chealer
  • calendar : respect special object perm sylvie
  • comments : caching and optimization redflo
  • comments : can be used now when js is disabled luci
  • database : cluster enabled session redflo
  • database : corrected creation of tiki_features and tiki_object_ratings when updating Tiki avgasse
  • database : corrected perms mispelling in db-update-script sylvie
  • database : quicktag table is now correctly updated, when updating Tiki UserPageamette
  • file gallery/maps: avoid error if user forgets / at end of map_path lfagundes
  • file gallery: stats franck
  • file type icons: transparent backgroud sylvie
  • filegal : general performance improvements redflo
  • filegal : search is now case sensitive gspira
  • forums : mobile forums support nhuffschmid
  • forums/comments : fixed page count luci
  • forums: autogenerated email reply link fixed gg
  • fulltext search: highlight feature sylvie
  • graph: Adding a plugin to draw math functions lphuberdeau
  • graph: Changing final form from post to get to allow linking to a specific chart lphuberdeau
  • group: anonymous no more in the included groups of each group sylvie
  • group: remove the link to remove group for an included group sylvie
  • imagegal : fixed warnings when lat/long not set and feature map not enabled lfagundes
  • imagegal/filegal : fixed problem of lock when downloading big file redflo
  • install: mysqli driver (php5 & mysql 4.1) works now. redflo
  • install: set magic_quotes_runtime to On (smarty can't work otherwise) sylvie
  • internal messenging : now user need to agee to receive messages before they can get them
  • internal parser (tikilib) several fixes and improvements toggg rlpowell
  • languages : can change other user language without interfering own language sylvie
  • languages : some respect on available languages sylvie
  • languages : improved support of cs, da, de, es, fr, pt-br
  • list users : added feature to display the number of users registered sampaioprimo
  • login : Make password resets more user-friendly (but untranslated in most langs) marclaporte
  • login : Correct ssl to non-ssl redirections in the login process cbowman
  • login : include correct moderate validation mail templates xavidp
  • mail : don't show send message if user doesn't accept message sylvie
  • mail : fix the LF mail end of line for MTA as gmail sylvie
  • mail : return-path added into the mail header to avoid tiki mails to be considered as spam on some servers sylvie
  • mailin : fix discard_after sylvie
  • menu : fixed cms ranking item in menu 42 mose
  • mobile : upgraded hawhaw to 5.10 and many extra improvements nhuffschmid
  • mobile : added skinning nhuffschmid
  • mobile : added tikiwiki banner nhuffschmid
  • module : added google adsense module yoni
  • module : made switchlang and switchtheme respect admin settings sylvie, amette
  • module switch language : limit the choice to the available language sylvie
  • modules : fix assigned modules deletion sylvie
  • modules : no more caching for modules rlpowell
  • more net_pop3.php bugs; forums mail-in broken on systems that advertise SASL now fixed rlpowell
  • multitiki styles: Customized styles in multitiki were not recognized (broke after DR4) gg
  • newsletter : better formatting - text-email-clients get wiki-formatting marclaporte
  • newsletter : fix the unsubscribe link that was always unscribing the first user sylvie
  • newsletter : fixed content template modification - wasn't possible before lfagundes
  • newsletter : removed double linebreak lfagundes
  • newsletters : perm respect for newsletters to send (you see in list only the one you can send) sylvie
  • notifications : display "by Anonymous" when page edited by Anonymous ๐Ÿ˜‰ luci
  • password reset : more userfriendly marclaporte
  • plugin sql : possibility to add param sylvie
  • postgres : improved postgres support redflo, cbowman, gspira,
  • prefs : Added fgal_allow_duplicates to preferences garygriffin
  • registration : custom fields visible on the registratio form and stored in user's prefs alex_freire
  • rss : fixed links in rss feeds in case tiki is installed in a subdir aigarius
  • search : fixed bug provoked when search includes a tilde ~ mose
  • search : fixed index for trackers rv540
  • search : active the highlight feature for the mysql fulltext search also sylvie
  • search : fix highligh word with accent sylvie
  • section : added calendar section to theme control sylvie
  • section : centralize the sections list to have the same list everywhere sylvie
  • send/recieve objects: upgraded XMLRPC lib for fixing security issue with eval() mose
  • setup : Fixed multitiki styles garygriffin
  • setup : added declaration of a var useable in smarty mose
  • setup : change getfilecontent by tikilib->httprequest() - added a new sanitize pattern for urls - added a sanity check on a sensitive var mose
  • setup : improved handling for IIS and PHP5 Damian
  • sheet : Better selection of the graph links display and minor bugfix lphuberdeau
  • stats : new stats per objects and wiki plugin for page hits franck
  • style : cleaning to have h1/h2/h3... in each page (and not only pagetitle) sylvie
  • surveys: fixed link typo in admin template gg
  • theme control: fix some conflicts between section control and category controlsylvie
  • theme: don't change user theme in tiki-user_preferences
  • tiki search: don't highlight in head section and popup sylvie
  • tiki search: file galleries search sylvie
  • tiki search: fix minimum length of search word reference sylvie
  • tiki search: fix some duplicatgion checking sylvie
  • tikineat: fix the overlapping calendar in IE sylvie
  • tracker : added country selector rv540
  • tracker : fixed bugs in item list and item link field types rv540
  • tracker : fixed image field rv540
  • tracker : fixed image field type rv540
  • tracker : fixes on perms system rv540
  • tracker : optional new way to store trackers data in a separate table rv540
  • tracker admin: display the help message on IE when editing a field sylvie
  • tracker attachement: the field order of a tracker attachment can be edited sylvie
  • tracker edit: create a default user or group tracker if the user or group tracker doesn't exist sylvie
  • tracker fixed mail sending rv540
  • tracker permissions: Added permissions in menu for trackers to be hidden if no tiki_p_view_trackers gg
  • tracker plugin: displays the message when tracker successfully created sylvie
  • tracker/tiki search: index all the tracker items sylvie
  • tracker/tiki search: respect of perm open/close/pending sylvie
  • tracker: Checkbox for going back to the main list after editing an item yoni
  • tracker: acces the user item whan the item has not been created - the field 'user creator' and 'group creator' must be set sylvie
  • tracker: add email, header, category field in tracker plugin sylvie
  • tracker: added a country field rv540
  • tracker: an optional field of type list of fields must have an empty entry at editing time (to be replaced by an empty value) sylvie
  • tracker: display back the notification message when a tracker is recorded sylvie
  • tracker: fix attachment download counter for IE sylvie
  • tracker: fixed filter issue, a tab to return to list and keep filter, save&return as a button, unify the no sort_mode case toggg
  • tracker: fixed tab for attachment sylvie
  • tracker: fixed to work with theme control center marclaporte
  • tracker: image field in trackers work rv540
  • tracker: several fixes to 'item list' and 'item link' like wrong links and not shown values rv540
  • tracker: show nb of attachment downloads sylvie
  • tracker: show the number of items at top of listing rv540
  • tracker: tabs to go to next/previous item, when viewing a tracker item toggg
  • tracker: use correct variable for determining if tracker may be viewed sylvie
  • trackers with hidden fields : the last tracker field was not seen if the tracker has an hidden field sylvie
  • user : Fixed user batch upload without overwrite to list duplicate names gg
  • userpref : fixed tabs behaviour and other things sylvieg
  • users : cluster enabled mod-who_is_there - db-change redflo
  • users : making custom fields work everywhere, as in tiki-user_preferences.php lfagundes
  • users: user double click was not updated form the db if userwatch != current user sylvie
  • webmail : fix delete message in webmail that was bugged since 1.9.0 sylvie
  • webmail : fix webmail message size and date that were missing since 1.9.0 sylvie
  • webmail : readded size and date and some error messages sylvie
  • wiki : fixed backlinks rlpowell
  • wiki : improved import html look ((rlpowell)
  • wiki : improvement of protection of camelcase autolinking toggg
  • wiki comments: fixed count of comments luci
  • wiki : can't display history if categ perm on the page not ok sylvie
  • wiki : can't print a page with no category perm - print and pdf sylvie
  • wiki : fixed wiki_rename_page() : SF bug 877240/1178260 chealer
  • wiki : not to have a create proposal when you don't have perm to see a page and easier to display create page on demand only rather to add smarty var everywhere sylvie
  • wiki : user Anonymous in the contributors list gets translated luci
  • wikiplugin : wantedpage new plugin, lists wanted wiki pages, and the wiki pages that want them avgasse
  • wikiplugin : articles can be called with a starting index michael_davey
  • wikiplugin : improved anchor plugin rlpowell
  • wikiplugin : new plugin for object hits franck
  • xmlrpc : new Pear XML_RPC lib is now used mose
  • category: can't add objects to Top category anymore sylvie
  • tracker: the email notification didn'e display anymore hidden data (even to admin) sylvie

    • cvs log -N -S -rBRANCH-1-9 -d "28 Apr 2005<"

New Features

  • feature to see or not IP in page history sylvie
  • added creation of tikihost column for tiki_sessions table in tiki-1.9-pgsql.sql to make Tiki working again with PostgreSQL luci
  • a batch cleanCatTrackers to be able to display the tracker item main value in the category listing. sylvie


  • can use the syntax tiki-calendar.php?calids=1 (to avoid the nasting wiki parsing error) sylvie
  • indicate the default in the group lists of a user in the user admin pannel sylvie
  • indicate the list of included groups in a string if the group scrolling list is too long sylvie
  • can modify a tracker attachment sylvie
  • indicate the number of attachments in a tracker item view sylvie
  • in page permission, don't show the strucutre buttons if the page is not a structure sylvie
  • calendar: don't display filter section if only one calendar is available sylvie
  • tiki search: wiki indexation refresh buttom sylvie
  • better stats system: records how many time an object is viewed everydayFranck
  • script to clean the tracker/category table: in order to display itme name sylie


  • toc div

Please note that changes from 1.8.5 to 1.8.6 are also merged into 1.9.1

Page last modified on Monday 22 August 2005 20:30:35 GMT-0000