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Hi, my name is Kevin Behrens.

My wife, young daughter and I moved from Michigan to Plow Creek Fellowship in rural Illinois. I left my engineering job for an internship with Evergreen Leaders, a new nonprofit organization. Since then my involvement with Evergreen Leaders has diminished. My family continues to long for a church life with the depth of faith and unselfish community pictured in the New Testament book of Acts.

I enjoy writing and hope to make that part of my vocation or ministry.

An online resource I have drawn much nourishment from lately:

Some of my interests:

  • Historical Linguistics
  • Ancient Civilizations
  • Detroit Tigers baseball
    • we had such high hopes ->


My software experience:

  • VB6 (OO) and MS-SQL
  • some Delphi
  • HTML basics
  • Macromedia Director
  • some Photoshop / Paintshop Pro
Current Tiki dev environment:
  • Win 2000
  • Tiki 1.8 (backported some 1.81 fixes)
  • Crimson Editor
  • ))WinMerge((
  • ))ExamDiff((
  • Easy PHP 1.7 (MySQL 4.0.15)
My take on Tiki:
  • new to Wiki, Tiki and CMS admin as of January 2004
  • MySQL, php, Smarty and CMS: learning by immersion
  • primary CMS for new nonprofit org - debuted late March
  • great doc, setup and cfg friendliness (open source needs this!)
  • hosting on arvixe.com: technically excellent, repsonsive, unmerciful if a script goes awry.

Although I don't feel qualified to participate in Tiki core dev, I've done some hacking for minor improvements and customizations. Here are those that seem most widely useful:

My Tiki hacks:

  • A whole bunch that I've attached some documentation for (yes, an Excel file). Here are the highlights.
    • Calendars, major facelift
    • Change Log, split from Event Calendar
    • Category browsing: populated cats bold and show object count with (#)
    • Categories: display cat objects list from any section
    • Trackers: included in text search
    • Wiki: unclutter header area, including
      • categorization indicated by *; cat path in title bar of cat objects box
      • move icons, backlinks dropdown up to right of page title
      • move category objects list to very bottom
    • Calendars: fix day view display
    • Trackers: fix categorization
    • Newsletters: browse previous editions
    • css cleanup: reduced subsilver.css from 94K to 49K (39K w/o comments)
    • tikilib cleanup: reduced from 163K to 139K
    • lots of misc. reformatting and recaptioning

note: some of my references to template modification may involve subsilver.css enhancements which are already present in moreneat.css

These and 140+ other bug fixes and minor enhancements I felt were necessary to make my Tiki 1.8 implementation user-friendly and well-behaved. I intend to offer the source code to the core dev team so they can look it over and merge changes properly.

I'm not trying to be a rogue / hacking / branching rebel... just haven't had time to deal with CVS and the collaborative design process. Since completing the evergreenleader site, I've moved to Wordpress hacking. I'm not currently feeling motivated to get back into TikiWiki.

the site which uses my Tiki 1.8 hack: Evergreen Leaders

Thank you,

Tiki Team! 😁

Page last modified on Friday 17 March 2006 20:55:17 GMT-0000

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