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History: Tiki Suite brainstorming

Preview of version: 36

This page is to discuss/debate/brainstorm on
  • what needs should be covered and
  • which components should be part of the suite

Related: Components and criteria



Operating system / Server / Firewall

Ubuntu server is the recommended platform for BigBlueButton, and Debian or Ubuntu is the recommended platform for Kaltura, so it makes sense to use the same, but it's not a show-stopper. It needs to offer PHP/MySQL/APC (or XCache)


For administration of OpenLDAP, LDAP Account Manager can be integrated

cdrwhite runs several boxes with OpenLDAP, postfix, courier IMAP (courier authdaemond offers LDAP but also MySQL: we could also use Tiki-based authentication + vmail for that combination)

  • There currently exists an inherent issue with LDAP and recent Ubuntu's OpenSSH pkg: due to the drop of OpenSSL in favor of GnuTLS it does not LDAP ssh keys are not supported.

Ejabberd seems the defacto choice at the moment, it features complete LDAP integration, web ui and many other modules. All this with a massive online community and some heavy backing. It tromps Prosody, which lacks LDAP and web ui, for integration and OpenFire for scalability. It also handles XMPP Jingle protocol for voice-chat support. Prosody has a very active community and developement and might someday sooner rather than later fix the lack of LDAP support.


Despite the fairly active core of solutions for VoIP including Asterisk, FreeSwitch, Yate and sipXecs. sipXecs is the only one of those that offers full integration with LDAP and XMPP (Jingle, presence and IM). However, it lacks flexibility at the VoIP level. It offers a distribution install (distributed through BitTorrent only) based on CentOS. The project is supported by the SIPFoundry foundation and Ezuce company, but hasn’t been very active lately. On the contrary, FreeSwitch offers an extremely active community and developpment. As shown by Baracuda Network’s Cudatel IP PBX Hardware, it is gaining popularity in the business sector. FreeSwitch also has two main Web UI satellite project: BlueBox/2600hz and FusionPBX. The former being more mature, but the latter gaining in popularity and offering an Ubuntu based distribution. FreeSwitch has one true show stopper: it doesn’t offer LDAP integration. Some people are claiming to be working on solutions, but nothing yet has emerged. It would however be possible to create an external real time bridge to LDAP/ActiveDirectory using mod_config_xml a web service configuration API. FreeSwitch runs off most major distributions, however it is packaged through a PPA under Ubuntu. LDAP Integration seems like it would be rather popular for FreeSwitch and something that would benefit a growing community. Asterisk is not to be ignored as it has a massive community and is by far the most used in the industry. It is quite flexible and capable, but definitely has its short comings.


ERP/accounting is a critical business function. Here are several contenders:

  • Compiere Strengths: Compiere is an industrial strength ERP solution. It is a very mature, feature rich, and flexible application. Weaknesses: It is controlled/supported by a single company. It is released under a dual (open source/commercial) license. Compiere is java based, and uses either Oracle or Postgres backends.
  • Openbravo is a fork of Compiere. It has similar strengths and weaknesses compared to Compiere (powerful & mature, controlled by a single company & dual licenses).
  • ADempiere is also a fork of Compiere, but it is supported by a strong development community with a democratic community process. There is a great article about the advantages of loosely coupling Adempiere via an ESB here.
  • WebERP is a Apache/MySQL/PHP app that is very mature and well supported. It has fewer bells and whistles than Compiere and it's forks, but is still quite comprehensive. It has support for being loosly connected to a Wiki (Wacko Wiki). The out of the box wiki support is for wiki pages, not a tracker type CRM app.
  • SQL-Ledger is a perl/postgres based app. It was forked because of issues with the main developer (notice the "dot com" domain name).
  • Ledger SMB is the sql-ledger fork. There are a few heavyweight developers behind this project, but it moves very slowly...

Activity level comparison

Client software

WebDAV edit access to files



Should be cross-platform like Jitsi or QuteCom or Blink
Ideally, runs on PortableApps.com


If this is not part of the SIP/XMPP client, we'll be looking for a system tray notifier app like StatusNet Desktop

  • New message in chatroom
  • New email received
  • New dent/tweet
  • Play audio and video podcasts


  • While any modern browser will do, Firefox or the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite are candidates.


Office suite



  • SIP client
  • VPN client
  • Mail client
  • Shared Calendar
  • Shared Contacts
  • etc.

To be decided

  • An SEO tool
    • Mostly useful for web agency use case
  • StatusNet Status updates/micro-blogging (distributed) or wish2258
    • cdrwhite: how about a few minimal extensions to the shoutbox stuff, we already have? shouts-per-user (also as rss), twitter-account and facebook-account as objects with object permissions, allowing a group to use one account)
      • marclaporte: Yes, that is an option, and making interoperable with StatusNet
  • Business Intelligence
  • How TRIM fits in
  • Remote surveillance / alarm system
  • High-volume newsletters
    • Tiki newletters are fine for small volumes, but they need to be improved for large volumes and the option to use an external service would be nice (because of spam protection)
  • Remote provisioning like Jitsi does it.

For a local server there should also be:

  • SAMBA server (authenticating against OpenLDAP)
  • NFS server (authenticating against OpenLDAP)
  • A VOIP-Solution (cdrwhite: Asterisk + FreePBX + tftp-Server for phones)
  • A solution for automated backups (cdrwhite: I use my own bash scripts with support for local folder/streamer, scp/ftp/ and all mountable folders, backing up MySQL, OpenLDAP and different folders, will shortly be (again) available at http://adminloesungen.de/

Comparison chart

{GOOGLEDOC(key=0Ah3DBkZ5NgBUdHdreFlhVnBXZlpDRFVUUXdEYUNUSEE, type=sheet, name=SuiteEvalGrid, width=800, height=600, align=middle, frameborder=0", marginheight=5, marginwidth=5, scrolling=yes, editLink=bottom)}

Scenarios for server components

Feature Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C
Wiki Tiki Tiki Tiki
CMS Tiki Tiki Tiki
CRM/Contacts Tiki Tiki Tiki
Groupware/Tasks Tiki Tiki Tiki
Groupware/Calendar Tiki Tiki Tiki
Forms Tiki Tiki Tiki
Commerce Tiki Tiki Tiki
Issue, bug and ticket system Tiki Tiki Tiki
Accounting Tiki7 Tiki7 Tiki7
Time Tracking Tiki8 Tiki8 Tiki8
Analytics Piwik Piwik Piwik
Webinar/Web Conferencing (web-based VOIP/Webcam/Chat/Screensharing) BigBlueButton BigBlueButton BigBlueButton
Video Management Kaltura Kaltura Kaltura
Password management Clipperz Clipperz Clipperz
Server ClearOS (CentOS) ClearOS (CentOS) Zentyal (Ubuntu Server)
Firewall & VPN ClearOS ClearOS Zentyal (OpenVPN)
LDAP ClearOS (OpenLDAP) ClearOS (OpenLDAP) Zentyal (OpenLDAP)
Printers sharing ClearOS (CUPS) ClearOS (CUPS) Zentyal (CUPS)
Files and folders sharing (within Firewall) ClearOS (Samba) ClearOS (Samba) Zentyal (Samba)
Files and folders sharing (web-based document management, optional WebDAV access) Tiki Tiki Tiki
Data backup ClearOS (Bacula) ClearOS (Bacula) Zentyal (Duplicity)
Mail (SMTP/POP3-IMAP4) ClearOS (Postfix, Cyrus, SpamAssassin, ClamAV) ClearOS (Postfix, Cyrus, SpamAssassin, ClamAV) Zentyal (Postfix, Dovecot, Fetchmail, ClamAV, SpamAssassin, and Sieve)
Webmail RoundCube RoundCube Zentyal (RoundCube)
SIP/VOIP/PBX FusionPBX/FreeSwitch FreePBX/Asterisk Zentyal (Asterisk)
Instant messaging and presence via XMPP (Jabber) Ejabberd Ejabberd Zentyal (jabberd2)
MicroBlogging/Status updates


Information Version
Marc Laporte 36
Marc Laporte 35
Marc Laporte 34
Marc Laporte 33
Marc Laporte 32
Marc Laporte 31
Marc Laporte 30
Marc Laporte draft 29
Marc Laporte Another nice one! 28
Marc Laporte Some ideas from a discussion with Jean Georgiadis 27
Marc Laporte Ohloh! 26
Marc Laporte 25
pmaxx 24
pmaxx Included info on more ERP packages, not just my favorite (ADempiere) 23
Marc Laporte 22
Marc Laporte being picky 21
MatthL 20
MatthL 19
MatthL 18
MatthL 17
MatthL 16
Marc Laporte link 15
pmaxx 14
pmaxx 13
MatthL 12