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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: ArticleDev

Preview of version: 21


The Articles features works well and no major improvements are planned. Please suggest improvements here.

  • Ability to define characteristics based on the article type, as well as to define new types TTW. These settings will be stored in a new table, tiki_article_types. Current list of characteristics to be configured by article type:
    • use_ratings - Reviews currently use ratings, Articles do not (done in 1.8)
    • show_pre_publ - Display this type prior to it's publication date (done in 1.8)
    • show_post_expire - Display this type after to it's expiration date (done in 1.8)
    • heading_only - Never display an article body (done in 1.8)
    • allow_comments - Allow comments for this type (done in 1.8)
    • show_image - Display the custom or topic image (done in 1.8)
    • show_avatar - Display the creator's avatar, if set (done in 1.8)
    • show_author - Display the author (done in 1.8)
    • show_pubdate - Display the publication date (done in 1.8)
    • show_expdate - Display the expiration date (done in 1.8)
    • show_reads - Display the number of times this article was viewed (done in 1.8)
    • show_size - Display the size of the article (done in 1.8)

  • New module: Article Topics that lets user selectively display articles by topic; module automatically displays existing topic names; when you click on a topic, tiki-view_articles.php displays only those items containing the selected topic (last option in module should be All Topics).
  • Apply patch to show # of comments for each item in tiki-view_articles.php (complete)
  • Sticky article; remains at top regardless of publish date
  • Default topics and cool icons to make default site development quicker/easier: Announcements, News, Featured Link, etc.
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Show categories at bottom of tiki-read_article
  • Eliminate 'CMS' nomenclature in favor of 'articles' and make this consistent (complete)
  • Instead of WYSIWYG editing, it could be easier to implement some kind of template (or better a set of templetes) which includes automatic image positioning (i.e. top-right) and automatic word wrapping of the text around the pictures (see Typo3)
  • tiki_p_read_article_body:
    • About the option "No article body, heading only": How easy or difficult would it be for the body of the article to be subject to permission checking? Anonymous surfers could read the header but would need to login to read the body. Could we have a permission tiki_p_read_article_body. Ideally, this would be a global permission and it also could be subject to specific permissions (as in tiki-admin_topics.php)
  • using articles in modules
    • AFAICT, there are only three article-related modules (articles, last_articles, old_articles) . Here is what I would like: "Objects that can be included" in tiki-admin_modules.php Should have a drop-down menu which give us a choice of articles of type = XYZ and also topic = XYZ
  • We should have more modules
    • A related articles module with links to popular articles in the same topic. (as current article)
    • A related articles module with links to popular articles in the same type. (ex.: upcoming events)
    • Other articles from the same author
    • Top authors
    • list of article types
    • list of topics
  • Versioning of Tiki articles

This would be sweet. How to deal with both header and body?

  • Optional wiki Syntax
    • Wiki syntax and linking is not always good in articles. It would be nice to have an article type option to flick on/off. ( A bit like CODE plugin)
  • Custom fields for topics
    • I am considering adding some custom fields. These would be used for searching/filtering and also to prefill some info in the templates.


Dennis Heltzel



  • Articles don't expect an invalid file is provided as image (still in CVS 20031025 Chealer9)


CVS Doc section


Articles, some more ideas (Dennis Heltzel + Marc Laporte)

Given: a registered_user submits an article login will (or should) be stored in table cms
if registered_user login equals yes
then get all articles from registered_user
and if
perms to edit_article equals yes
set registered_user perms to edit_article eq y
set registered_user perms to tiki_p_edit_submission eq y

I need to get phpmyadmin going here and see if I can hammer out the sql statement to make this happen.


Information Version
Marc Laporte 26
Michael Davey 25
Michael Davey 24
Michael Davey 23
Philippe Cloutier Added bug tracker 22
Philippe Cloutier 21
Marc Laporte added some stuff from 2003-12-30 email on tiki-dev "Articles, some more ideas" 20
Philippe Cloutier Added RFE tracker 19
Philippe Cloutier Added a bug tracker 18
Philippe Cloutier Added bug and CVS Doc section stuff 16
Dennis Heltzel 11
marcius 10
marcius 9
DennisDaniels 8
Bryan Pfaffenberger 7

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