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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: FolksonomyDev

Preview of version: 3

  • Where are we?

There is a highly experimental try to implement folksonomy tagging with FreeTag in HEAD. If you follow any of the steps below, it's because of your own fault..

Freetag Library
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/lib/freetag/ /lib/freetag/freetag.class.php # the FreeTag library /lib/freetag/freetag.sql # the SQL-Script to create the needed tables /lib/freetag/index.html # permit directory browsing

To actually use this library, we got a module:

Module Files
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/modules/mod-freetag.php # a tagging-module for testing-purposes /templates/modules/mod-freetag.tpl # The module-template

  • How to catch up with developing it?
  1. Enter your databse-connection-settings in /lib/freetag/freetag.class.php
    1. This has to change - TODO: Use /db/local.php
  2. Run the SQL-script on your DB - it creates the tables "freetags" and "freetagged_objects"
    1. Table Names should start with tiki_ - TODO: What tablenames to use?
  3. Assign the module.
  4. See, that it doesn't work yet.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The module shows you
Tag "x" as user "y"

Where "x" is the Wiki-page-id and "y" the user id. Seems to work out pretty
well, but nothing is being entered into the tables. Also getting the page-id
doesn't work always - especially on first site-loading!

  • Where do we want to be?

We want to have the possibility to tag anything in the world!

  • Who is working on what? (Priorities/goals/majors issues/roles)

UserPageamette - hmm, would be nice to actually be able to tag something ๐Ÿ˜‰


Who is working here generally? Link UserPage.

  • Bugs
  • RFEs
  • tech support
  • patches

Competition and standards

List of other products with similar/interesting/related features.

Here I would like to see some "editorial" content. How do our features compare to others?

CVS Doc section

This is where new features being developed and only in CVS are documented. When the CVS becomes RC/official release, the info in the CVS docs is transferred to update the official docs (FeatureXDoc).


Where ideas can be exchanged, debated, etc. Interested people can subscribe to the wiki page and/or to these forums as they would a mailing list.

  • Problem with tables!

Well, one at the moment.
With our current db-structure we can only easily implement tagging for one
feature (Wiki, Articles, Blogs...), because Freetag wants to have every item
identified by an integer - and just one integer. That's why I started to test
tagging with Wiki-pages.


Information Version
amette added answer to status/timeline question 7
Elizabeth Dalton 6
Elizabeth Dalton 5
amette 4
amette 3
amette 2
amette 1