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History: MultilingualWikiPage

Preview of version: 8

The discussion began with the page :
French forum

What do we want?

  • by default, a user sees the page in his language when the translation exists, otherwise the page is displayed in the original language (the page creation language).
    setp 2: each user defines the ordered list of language: the page is displayed in the first language a translation exists
  • a user can see all the languages where a translation is available for the page when he displays this page
  • A language is marked by the language name not the country flag
    Step 2: each translation can have a quality note
  • a user can see a page in another language that is not his language, even if the page exists in his language
  • the language of an existing page is necessarly defined at the first translation to another languague. If there is no translation, the language can be unknown.

  • the page name can be different between different languages.
  • the page name is the same between all the language
    • otherwise, pages linked to the page will be tricky!
    • a page name change will be tricky!)

    Comment by Chealer : why? The main use of WikiWord is that it can fit in an understandable text, else you'd always use the ((pagename|description)) syntax. For certain pagenames like I18nDev it's fine, for all other it doesn't work. It's IMHO better to use a default pagename for all languages and allow each language to change it's own. This way, a languageY page will link to a languageY page automatically. It's true that the linguistic problem will require a big DB change, but well...this is a problem!

  • a translated page can be deleted
  • a original page can be deleted only if there is no more tranlations
    step 2: the original page can be deleted and will be replaced by one translation
  • a translated page has its own history, author....
    step2: (probably mixed somehow with the one of the "source language", in the situation that will occur most of the time with a centralized page maintainer and translators-Chealer9)
  • "last pages" applies to the translated pages
  • a link to a page stays on the original page
    step 2: a link to a page appears with the name of the translated (the translation is chosen with the same criteria than the display
    step 3: a link to a page with translations is marked
    step 4: the different translations can be seen when a user goes hover the link.
  • a translated page has its own comment. The translated comments are not linked
    step 2: the comments follow the same translation process than the wiki page
  • a translated page has its own attachement.
    step 2: the attachements follow the same translation process
  • the categories will be translated wuth the features (perhaps with the db translation feature)
  • translated page is attached afterwards to the original page
    step 2: galaxia? monitoring?

  • Soron_12F proposes to organize the page translations with Galaxia

Additionnal preferences

IMO, since Wiki isn't the only part of Tiki, we'll need some more user preferences
I guess the user should rate each language ;
By example, in my case I'd use (supposing the rating is on 5) :
French 5
Ido 5 (you don't know this one eh๐Ÿ˜› )
English 4
[...] (those points are for those who really know more than me!)
All other languages 0

Admin should probably have an option to set his Tiki as multilingual or not

Wiki's special functions
  • Monitoring : do we have to choose the languages to monitor? I guess so ๐Ÿ˜•
    In this case we can probably rely on user's linguistic preferences
  • RSS feeds : as above (anyway we can rely on the way other programs behave...who knows this behavior?)
  • Templates : different templates ๐Ÿ˜‘
  • Modify : new checkbox/radio box : linguistic modification/content modification
  • Comments : probably show the comments using linguistic preferences too?
  • Attachments : Seems we have to give an option for translated attachments too, eh?๐Ÿ˜


Chealer9's conclusion

It seems a multilingual environment needs as much modifications as WYSIWYCA... we have some kind of What You See Is What You Can Understand here. So, implementing all this stuff (plus for other features!!) can justify a major version (will it be 2.0?), or more realistically, this implementation will be gradual.
Also, the content of this page really fits in the discussion part of MultilingualDev. I think the multilingual problem needs to be considered as a whole because of the multiple interactions in Tiki.

Sylvie comments: this page is a working area, if something emerges, it will be copy/paste in multilingualDev. The page is only about a little part of the multilingual problem (rss, templates, monitoring are other points). I think that it is possible to do something simple easily - to have at least something. IMHO

jcwinnie comments: Multilingual, Multinational Information Architecture Design is critical for organizations that have global distribution.

Feel free to update - comment the page


Information Version
Marc Laporte 16
Marc Laporte 15
Bulat R. Sirazetdinov 14
Bulat R. Sirazetdinov 13
Bulat R. Sirazetdinov 12
Bulat R. Sirazetdinov 11
Bulat R. Sirazetdinov 10
Robin Lee Powell 9
Jonathan Smith 8
Marc Laporte modified link 7
Marc Laporte moved category 6
Oliver Hertel 5
Philippe Cloutier Commented 3
sylvie greverend 2

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