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History: OpinionNetwork

Preview of version: 3

Opinion - Network is a relatively new feature for Tikiwiki, it's still under development.
The feature is about people describing other people by filling out question forms about the other's personality.
Each question can be answered with a percentage number with the help of a slider form component.
Just an example: self-confidence is : 80 %.
As we have more and more answered question forms, we can make very interesting querys.
Just for example we can try to figure out who could work in teams efficiently...

more to come later...
Until that, see my comment about this article for further details...


To try to give to Opinion Network more complexity I suggest you to use the __Jung - Myers-Briggs typological approach to personality.

According to Jung's typology all people can be classified using three criteria. Extroversion - Introversion / Sensing - Intuition / Thinking - Feeling. Isabel Briggs-Myers added fourth criterion: Judging - Perceiving

The first criterion defines the source and direction of energy expression for a person. The extrovert has a source and direction of energy expression mainly in the external world while the introvert has a source of energy mainly in the internal world.

The second criterion defines the method of information perception by a person. Sensing means that a person believes mainly information he receives directly from the external world. Intuition means that a person believes mainly information he receives from the internal or imaginative world.

The third criterion defines how the person processes information. Thinking means that a person makes a decision mainly through logic. Feeling means that, as a rule, he makes a decision based on emotion.

The fourth criterion defines how a person implements the information he has processed. Judging means that a person organizes all his life events and acts strictly according to his plans. Perceiving means that he is inclined to improvise and seek alternatives.

The different combinations of the criteria determine a human type. There may be sixteen types. Every type has a name (or formula) according to the combination of criteria. For example:

"ISTJ" Introvert Sensing Thinking Judging or "ENFP" Extrovert Intuitive Feeling Perceiving

For a certain person a type formula and quantitative measure of expression of each criterion (strength of the preference) can be determined using the Type inventory. Then the corresponding type description can be represented.

http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm you'll find a tests' set based on Jung Typology. I hope it may help you to improve better the Opinion Network, identifying the general life style of people tested. It gives not scientific results but perhaps can contribute to better define personalities and possibile conflicts/affinities between them.


Information Version
drsassafras Mass search and replace 10
Lorinc 9
Lorinc 8
Zsolt 7
magius 6
magius 5
magius 4
magius 3
Zsolt 2
Zsolt 1

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