History: Partnership Team
Preview of version: 10
Tasks (do and cross out)
Ongoing responsibilities
- http://info.tiki.org/Contact+Us
- Works in collaboration with the packaging team for things like 1-click installers
- Be in touch with larger institutional users of Tiki (high-level coordination of roadmaps, etc.)
- Interaction with the FSF
- Coordinate with the OpenSource.org community where are an affiliates
- Interaction with the Ohloh.net community and BlackDuck software & Ohloh
- Interaction with Canadian Government (GCPEdia and CLF)
- Larger wiki community
- Monitor #wiki chat room (Marc but help requested)
- Interaction with the WikiSym.org community (Marc)
- Google & Google Summer of Code
- Microsoft Microsoft+Web+Platform+Installer
- Freenode
- SourceForge.net
- etc.
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