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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: PluginMiniQuiz

Preview of version: 3

Of course this won't work as yet with tw.o as it's running 1.8 and HEAD is where you'll find all of the magic 😛

Creating quizzes and tests are easy now... all you need to do is use this tracker as your example...

Do you like quizzes?


What is the question1


q 1

which state is Cleveland located


// Includes a miniquiz form

// fields to use in trackers to prepare miniquiz
// Question   the question
// Answer     correct answer
// Option a   false answer
// Option b   false answer
// Option c   false answer
// Option d   false answer
// Valid      indicates that the tracker item is to be used as a quiz item

function wikiplugin_miniquiz_help() {
        $help = tra("Displays an miniquiz").":\n";
        $help.= "{MINIQUIZ(trackerId=>1)}Instructions::Feedback{MINIQUIZ}";
        return $help;

function rcmp($a, $b) { return mt_rand(-1, 1); }
function shuf(&$ar) { srand((double) microtime() * 10000000); uksort($ar, "rcmp"); }

function wikiplugin_miniquiz($data, $params) {
        global $tikilib, $userlib, $dbTiki, $user, $group;
        extract ($params);

        if (!isset($trackerId)) {
                return ("<b>missing tracker ID for plugin TRACKER</b><br/>");
        $tracker = $tikilib->get_tracker($trackerId);
        $items = $tikilib->list_tracker_items($trackerId,0,-1,'lastModif_desc','','o');
        foreach ($items['data'] as $it) {
                $id = $it['itemId'];
                foreach ($it['field_values'] as $val) {
                        $field = $val['name'];
                        $info["$id"]["$field"] = $val['value'];
        $back = '';

        if ($tracker) {

                if (isset($_REQUEST['quizit']) and $_REQUEST['quizit']) {
                        foreach ($_REQUEST['track'] as $fld=>$val) {
                                $ins_fields["data"][] = array('fieldId' => $fld, 'value' => $val, 'type' => 1);
                        if (isset($_REQUEST['authorfieldid']) and $_REQUEST['authorfieldid']) {
                                $ins_fields["data"][] = array('fieldId' => $_REQUEST['authorfieldid'], 'value' => $user, 'type' => 'u', 'options' => 1);
                        if (isset($_REQUEST['authorgroupfieldid']) and $_REQUEST['authorgroupfieldid']) {
                                $ins_fields["data"][] = array('fieldId' => $_REQUEST['authorgroupfieldid'], 'value' => $group, 'type' => 'g', 'options' => 1);
                        $rid = $trklib->replace_item($trackerId,0,$ins_fields,$tracker['newItemStatus']);
                        return "<div>$data</div>";
                $optional = array();
                if (isset($fields)) {
                        $outf = array();
                        $fl = split(":",$fields);

                        foreach ($fl as $l) {
                                if (substr($l,0,1) == '-') {
                                        $l = substr($l,1);
                                        $optional[] = $l;
                                $outf[] = $l;

                $back.= '<form><input type="hidden" name="quizit" value="1" />';
                $back.= '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="'.$_REQUEST["page"].'" />';
                $back.= '<div class="titlebar"><a href="tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId='.$trackerId.'">'.$tracker["name"].'</a></div>';
                $back.= '<div class="wikitext">'.$tracker["description"].'</div><br />';
                $back.= '<style>.q label { background-color: none; cursor: normal; border: 1px solid white; padding: 0 5px 0 5px; }';
                $back.= '.q label:hover { background-color: #efe0d0; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid black; }</style>';

                $back.= '<div class="wikitext">';
                foreach ($info as $id=>$item) {
                        if ($item['valid'] == 'y') {
                                $back.= '<div class="titlebar">'.$item['question'].'</div>';
                                $answers = array($item['Answer'],$item['option a'],$item['option b'],$item['option c']);
                                $back.= '<div class="wikitext">';
                                $i = 1;
                                foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                                        $back.= '<div class="q"><input type="radio" id="answer'.$id.'_'.++$i.'" name="answer'.$id.'" value="'. htmlspecialchars($answer).'" /> ';
                                        $back.= '<label for="answer'.$id.'_'.$i.'">'.$answer.'</label>';
                                        $back.= '</div>';
                                $back.= '</div><br />';
                $back.= '<div class="titlebar">';

                $back.= '</div>';
                $back.= "<div><input type='reset' name='reset' value='Start Over' /><input type='submit' name='action' value='Finish' />";
                $back.= '</div>';
                $back.= '<br /><div><b>Students</b>: <a href="tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId='.$trackerId.'&new">Suggest a new question</a></div>';

                $back.= "</form>";
        } else {
                $back = "No such id in trackers.";
        return $back;



Information Version
sylvie greverend 7
DennisDaniels //You may experience problems... make sure the name of your fields is accurate 6
Poliorcetes 5
DennisDaniels in HEAD cvs are vastly more powerful and polished. 4
DennisDaniels testing 3
DennisDaniels 2