History: ReleaseProcess19
Preview of version: 313
Release 1.9
Codename Sirius : development branch
Here is a tarball with latest BRANCH-1-9: http://de.tikiwiki.org/tar/lastiki_BRANCH-1-9.tar.bz2 - code updated every 6 hours.
CVS Checkout information
[-]CVS checkout requirements for getting BRANCH-1-9
export CVS_RSH=ssh export CVSROOT=:ext:sfname@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/tikiwiki cvs -z5 co -d tiki19 -r BRANCH-1-9 tikiwiki
CVS commit information
[-]cvs -z5 up -dP -r BRANCH-1-9
Todo list has been moved to http://dev.tikiwiki.org. Read about the TikiPlan19 for planning information
Release Process 1.9.1
Bugs Fixed
[-]- support mysql 4.1
- Added options to disable bot_bar logos and debug junk Damian
- Increase cookie field length amette & Damian
- tracker admin: display the help message on IE when editing a field sylvie
- tracker plugin: displays the message when tracker successfully created sylvie
- more net_pop3.php bugs; forums mail-in broken on systems that advertise SASL now fixed rlpowell
- forums: autogenerated email reply link fixed gg
- wiki comments: fixed count of comments luci
- surveys: fixed link typo in admin template gg
- multitiki styles: Customized styles in multitiki were not recognized (broke after DR4) gg
- tracker permissions: Added permissions in menu for trackers to be hidden if no tiki_p_view_trackers gg
- wiki: fixed wiki_rename_page() : SF bug 877240/1178260 chealer
- webmail: fix webmail message size and date that were missing since 1.9.0 sylvie
- webmail: fix delete message in webmail that was bugged since 1.9.0 sylvie
- section: centralize the sections list to have the same list everywhere sylvie
- theme control: fix some conflicts between section control and category controlsylvie
- module switch language : limit the choice to the available language sylvie
- tikineat: fix the overlapping calendar in IE sylvie
- tracker edit: create a default user or group tracker if the user or group tracker doesn't exist sylvie
- calendar: respect special object perm sylvie
- tracker: an optional field of type list of fields must have an empty entry at editing time (to be replaced by an empty value) sylvie
- install: set magic_quotes_runtime to On (smarty can't work otherwise) sylvie
- file type icons: transparent backgroud sylvie
- tracker: display back the notification message when a tracker is recorded sylvie
- tracker attachement: the field order of a tracker attachment can be edited sylvie
- newsletters: perm respect for newsletters to send (you see in list only the one you can send) sylvie
- trackers with hidden fields : the last tracker field was not seen if the tracker has an hidden field sylvie
- notifications: display "by Anonymous" when page edited by Anonymous 😉 luci
- mail: return-path added into the mail header to avoid tiki mails to be considered as spam on some servers sylvie
- language: some respect on available languages sylvie
- mail: fix the LF mail end of line for MTA as gmail sylvie
- newsletter: fix the unsubscribe link that was always unscribing the first user sylvie
- theme: don't change user theme in tiki-user_preferences
- search: fix highligh word with accent sylvie
- tracker/tiki search: respect of perm open/close/pending sylvie
- tracker/tiki search: index all the tracker items sylvie
- mailin: fix discard_after sylvie
- tracker: fix attachment download counter for IE sylvie
- tracker: show nb of attachment downloads sylvie
- tiki search: fix minimum length of search word reference sylvie
- fulltext search: highlight feature sylvie
- tiki search: fix some duplicatgion checking sylvie
- language: can change other user language without interfering own language sylvie
- group: remove the link to remove group for an included group sylvie
- group: anonymous no more in the included groups of each group sylvie
- tracker: add email, header, category field in tracker plugin sylvie
- style: cleaning to have h1/h2/h3... in each page (and not only pagetitle) sylvie
- mail: don't show send message if user doesn't accept message sylvie
- plugin sql: possibility to add param sylvie
- tiki search: file galleries search sylvie
- modules: fix assigned modules deletion sylvie
- tiki search: don't highlight in head section and popup sylvie
- user: Fixed user batch upload without overwrite to list duplicate names gg
(temporary, extract from cvs log, to merge with above)
- forums/comments : fixed page count luci
- comments : can be used now when js is disabled luci
- send/recieve objects: upgraded XMLRPC lib for fixing security issue with eval() mose
- added missing favicon mose
- internal messenging : now user need to agee to receive messages before they can get them
- tracker : fixed image field rv540
- imagegal/filegal : fixed problem of lock when downloading big file redflo
- calendar : fixed php notice when newsletter disabled chealer
- cookie feature : changed size of possible cookie to a real text size (66k) amette
- admin : new option to hide logos in the footer bar damian
- admin : disallow blank admin password damian
- tracker : optional new way to store trackers data in a separate table rv540
- admin groups : changed display of included groups rv540
- admin users : fixed message for batch upload rv540
- admin users : fixed error when char+numbers enforced in password garygriffin
- articles : Allow selecting a topic in RSS feed for articles aigarius
- stats : new stats per objects franck
- imagegal : fixed warnings when lat/long not set and feature map not enabled lfagundes
- wiki : improved import html look ((rlpowell)
- forums : mobile forums support nhuffschmid
- (to be continued.. 10% completed)
New Features
[-]- feature to see or not IP in page history sylvie
- added creation of tikihost column for tiki_sessions table in tiki-1.9-pgsql.sql to make Tiki working again with PostgreSQL luci
- a batch cleanCatTrackers to be able to display the tracker item main value in the category listing. sylvie
[-]- can use the syntax tiki-calendar.php?calids=1 (to avoid the nasting wiki parsing error) sylvie
- indicate the default in the group lists of a user in the user admin pannel sylvie
- indicate the list of included groups in a string if the group scrolling list is too long sylvie
- can modify a tracker attachment sylvie
- indicate the number of attachments in a tracker item view sylvie
- in page permission, don't show the strucutre buttons if the page is not a structure sylvie
- calendar: don't display filter section if only one calendar is available sylvie
- tiki search: wiki indexation refresh buttom sylvie
- better stats system: records how many time an object is viewed everydayFranck
New CSS Classes
[-]Release Process 1.9.0
Bugs Fixed
[-]- Newsletter: fix the sql error is user subscribes twice sylvie
- Gallery : path disclosure fixed sylvie
- Community admin: fix sql error on depth sylvie
- Wiki: fix a strange blank page on some system for tiki-index.php sylvie
- User tasks: fix the error you must have 3 chars while editing a task sylvie
- Article: Article with categ not allowed is no more shown in list_articles sylvie
- Calendar: fix sql error when a new DB is used sylvie - Patch available on ReleaseProcess19DR4
New Features
[-]- TikiMaps: Layer Grouping tna
- TikiMaps: Mapfile history with compare and diff Franck
- TikiMaps: a file with the extension .NDL will stop anybody from downloading similar files Franck
- Poll module : for random active poll and {poll=current} for random current poll sylvieUser errorPlugin argument(s) missing:
- pollId
[-]- Messages : a note to inform you you have not allow somebody to reply to you if it is the case sylvie
New CSS Classes
Please add a default css style to styles/transitions/1.8to1.9.css to help older themes do the right thing, when adding CSS entries to 1.9.
released on Wednesday, April 28th, 2005
released on Thursday, April 7th, 2005
released on Tuesday, September 7th, 2004
released on Monday, June 28th, 2004
released on Monday, June 21st, 2004
Under Development in CVS now.
[-]please contact these people before a RC is made so they can commit any last minute modifications/updates
- New Jukebox - Damian
- New Homework george.geller
- Enhanced Quizzes george.geller (bug 983907 mentions specific unfinished stuff)
- New "My Workflow" tab in "My Tiki". Shows the processes a user started + user activities. Needs sorting + pagination to be added halon
- Charset/encoding + language in the mail sent to the user are function of his preferences sylvie + correct utf8 mail header encoding
- TikiMaps: Layer Grouping tna
- FeatureUsability - sundry usability improvements - mdavey
- experimental feature_referer_highlight - mdavey