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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: SEFURLs

Preview of version: 5

Have you ever wanted your TikiWiki site to have friendly URLs? Well here is one solution to that problem!

Whilst squatting in the channel #tikiwiki as usual. A fellow Tikier brought interest to this link: http://www.coofercat.com/2003/00000010.html an excellent article which describes the use of Smarty output filtering and Apache Rewrite Rules to make TikiWiki produce and work with Search Engine Friendly URLs.

Other Interesting Places

Notes: I havent copy/pasted the article here, because of possible copyrights and Ralph Bolton doesnt indicate what kind of license he publishes his site under

Damian: Ive played with this output filter and its good, for me I'll prefer to change it slightly more to my preferred liking. I'll try and get a wiki page updated with details once I tailored it. Probably commit to mods.tw.o site. as its useless for people on shared hosting who cant setup apache rewrite rules.

UserPagecoofercat (aka Ralph Bolton 😊: I too am planning something a bit cleverer than the very basic thing I did a while back (linked above). I reckon the output filter can use a database table of regexes, rather than have cheesy hardcoded expressions. I'd also like to see it do proper HTML parsing to pull out the a-hrefs and img-src links properly. It would need some corresponding input filter. I'd like a bit of PHP there, but may have to resort to Apache mod_rewrite instead. Either way, it should result in a nicely configurable solution, possibly a candidate for proper inclusion into the Tiki product.


Information Version
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 16
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Added a not about the reason we keep this page and where to find more information 15
drsassafras Mass search and replace 14
SEWilco converted header WikiSyntax, added description of my Smarty patch. 13
Marc Laporte 12
Marc Laporte vaporware 11
Ralph Bolton 10
Ralph Bolton 9
funkypenguin 8
wojtalik 7
Damian Parker 6
Ralph Bolton 5
Damian Parker Updated with experience 4
Damian Parker 3
Damian Parker Initial 2

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