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History: TikiFest2010-Barcelona

Preview of version: 98

The TikiFest, a tradition of the Tiki community, is a meeting between Tiki contributors (that usually only meet online). This is an opportunity to socialize, code wildly in group sessions, discuss wiki technology and culture, and plan the future of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. It is also a great opportunity for Tiki users to meet Tiki developers, and for each group to learn from the other.

There is some ongoing work to have some "Community Currency" features (see links below) added to Tiki6 re-using and extending the Payment system added in Tiki5, as well as some improvements to the social networking features of Tiki using pretty trackers. See "Barter" profile evolution.

But maybe some other tasks arise if other people join the fest 😊:

  • Maybe investing some time to produce a new pdf handbook out of the updated Tiki Documentation structure? (however, developer time would be needed for that)
  • Adding some GUI to Workspaces management? (refactoring previous work from AulaWiki_tiki_4 Mod ?)


Tentative dates:
July 2010, Monday 19th - Sunday 25th.

Confirmed dates:


A few people can be accomodated in Xavi's flat or in a Xavi's neighbor flat (we both have old dogs, by the way). If more people come, we'll have to find other places (renting rooms in other neighbors flats in the same building or in the nearby, ...).

:Arrival and departure dates
Jonny 13 - 18th July London, UK Xavi's flat
Xavi 11 - 18th July Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Xavi's flat
marclaporte July 12th 17h20 to July 20th 8h20 Montréal hotel near Xavi's flat
lphuberdeau July 12th 17h20 to July 20th 8h20 Montréal hotel near Xavi's flat
Jyhem July 12th, 13h09 then staying in Barcelona Strasbourg, France Xavi's flat

Distant participation

Using http://live.tiki.org and taking notes to improve

luci Czech Republic
chibaguy (Gary) Japan
eromneg (Geoff) UK will join the BBB sessions if I can
Daniel Montreal - Will join the BBB sessions when possible by listening conversations
Nelson (nkoth) Canada Will join the sessions when possible.
Torsten Germany Tuesday and when possible

We had some issues with audio. We first managed to get sound working (at the TikiFestBarcelona) through a skype conference, because sound is not working at BBB through internet connection. But sound seems to be good using the phone line, so that we'll use the phone land line to broadcast audio for the distant participants.
You can join this conference by calling +1-613-366-1985 The conference room is 87036#.

In case we say at anytime (on irc) that we move to skype conference, if anyone else wants to follow through audio, please say so on irc and provide your skype id.


Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, Europe.

If just a few people, we'll arrange anywhere. When more than 3 people (all week, it seems), we will meet at the facilities of "Unió d'Entitats de la Marina" (UELM), one of the local NGO's using Tiki in the nearby, which previously offered their facilities for TikiFestBarcelona (plenty of space, wifi, white board, beamer, air conditioning):


Scheduled discussions









Saturday & Sunday

  • Fixing the Enconding issues. See Understanding Encoding
  • Easy Blog saved as "beta" state (work in progress to allow others put their Blog Revamp improvements in this profile
    Blog Revamp
  • attempting to replace phplayers menu files in trunk with another engine used in Tiki.

  • Any other business?

Remaining topics to be discussed or issues fixed
  1. — Encoding problems (rollback some commit and add some fixes to avoid having data corrupted in some cases of upgrades) — done
  2. kill mirror trackers Done
  3. dogfood workspaces in tw.o
    • Beforehand, see again the workflow for the end user in Aulawiki workspaces at http://edu.tikiwiki.org Done
      (which is using Tiki3 LTS with aulawiki workspaces still)
  4. attibutes for calendars to link tracker items with calendars
  5. short chat with Robert about JQ S5 (replace what is in trunk with what he did on Thursday July 15th)
  6. release 5.1


Partially sponsoring

  • Xarxa Comunitària de Sant Antoni (Community Network of Saint Anthony neighborhood, in Barcelona city).
    http://xarxantoni.net - Xarxa Comunitària de Sant Antoni
  • A funding program from the "Agency of Waste", the Catalan Government, Spain.
  • ourproject.org ("Comunes" Association)


Some pics 😉

 Plugin Image
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.

Plenty more pics

News Release

See http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Communications Team&pagenum=2#July_2010. Plan is to release this shortly after the end of the TikiFest.


Other event pages

Extend it to work with perspectives? See the documentation for Workspaces by lph




Information Version
drsassafras Mass search and replace 113
drsassafras Mass search and replace 112
drsassafras Mass search and replace 111
drsassafras Mass search and replace 110
drsassafras Mass search and replace 109
drsassafras Mass search and replace 108
drsassafras Mass search and replace 107
drsassafras Mass search and replace 106
drsassafras Mass search and replace 105
drsassafras Mass search and replace 104
drsassafras Mass search and replace 103
drsassafras Mass search and replace 102
drsassafras Mass search and replace 101
drsassafras Mass search and replace 100
drsassafras Mass search and replace 99
drsassafras Mass search and replace 98
drsassafras Mass search and replace 97
drsassafras Mass search and replace 96
drsassafras Mass search and replace 95
drsassafras Mass search and replace 94
drsassafras Mass search and replace 93
drsassafras Mass search and replace 92
drsassafras Mass search and replace 91
Torsten Fabricius 90
Frank Guthausen center 89

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