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History: TikiFest2012-Barcelona

Preview of version: 105

Alias names of this page: TikiFestBarcelona | TikiFestBCN3 | TikiFestBCN


Tentative schedule, dogfooding the "Tracker as Calendar" feature (and demo profile)

1.1.1. Dogfooding PluginTrackerCalendar in trunk

1.2. Pics

Some pics about these days... 😊

Group Picture !
Group Picture !

More pics from luci via Picasa (sorry for no dogfood)

{carousel fgalId=30 thumbnailType="images" thumbnailWidth="40" displaySize="0.5" textholderHeight="0.8" displayProgressBar="1"}

1.3. What ?

A tradition in the Tiki community, a TikiFest is when there is a meeting between at least two Tiki contributors that don't usually meet. This is an opportunity, usually, to drink adult beverages, get some laptops out and code wildly in group sessions and/or discuss about wiki technology and culture, etc. depending the mood and context. It is a great opportunity for Tiki users and Tiki power users to meet some of the developers and learn more stuff 😊

1.4. When ?

Confirmed: Monday August 20th to Sunday August 26th 2012 (7 days)

Just after is WikiSym 2012 - August 27-28-29

1.5. Where ?

Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain).

1.6. Why ?

Some improvements are needed for Workspaces and specific Tiki features to allow Tiki to be used more easily in small organic groups, without requiring admin intervention.

One use case where workspaces are needed are Barter Networks, such as the ones in the Catalan Countries, as seen on http://intercanvis.net/Xarxes (in Catalan only so far)

Another use case is wiki farm hosting. So users self-register, start their wiki, be fully autonomous for modules, menus, pages, permissions, etc. Users from farm A can only see farm B if farm A manager configures it so. Optionally, each farm can have distinct theme and domain name

1.6.1. Main Topics

4 main topics:

  1. Calendar and tracker improvements to manage resource bookings wish1746

  2. Workspaces UI

  3. Community Currencies & Barter Networks: CClite integration http://doc.tiki.org/cc

  4. Improve *.tiki.org (better bug tracking, code review at http://code.tiki.org, etc.)

Specifically, we need to have improvements to a few features, at least, so that Barter Networks on Tiki sites can use tiki features more like in autonomous workspaces-areas. These comprise:

  1. PluginCalendar should allow to use FullCalendar UI in big size (and not just the small calendar box as of May 2012).
  2. Some optional validation check at tracker item posting time so that two bookings at the same time for the same resource are allowed or not (a setting is needed) and user is warned about it.
  3. Suport for SyncML in Tiki Calendars (maybe using SabreDAV lib as discussed many times in tikiwiki-devel list?), so that users could sync their Thunderbird (or Outlook or similar) programs with the Tiki Calendar.
  4. Add suport to book resources for some time frames in a calendar (using tiki trackers and calendars), with an extended fullcalendar-resourceviews which allows managing resources and is in syn with the full calendar v1.5.3 that we have in Tiki 9.x:
  5. Extend Tracker RSS feeds to allow filtering for a field value ** goal: filter RSS feeds from a tracker based on values of some field, so that the URL to fetch from external app is something like the standard URL that Tiki offers for Tiki tracker RSS, but with some extra "&f_id=foo"
  6. Enhance the UI to allow creating workspaces in Tiki with just a few clicks
    • with either data channels or by other means, but easier for end users (Tiki site admins)
  7. NameSpaces / link to Torstens Namespaces thoughts (opens in a box)
  8. Areas and Areas Perspective Multi-domain dogfood
  9. User Tracker cleanup to make easier to use, more future-proof and permit site admin to pick from templates to display info (for user profiles to be more structured than wiki pages )
  10. Set up tiki.org to support Tiki Local User Groups
  11. Develop tiki-check.php according to Test server compatibility on dev.tiki.org

1.6.2. Tasks done

Taks done prior to, or during the TikiFest (and work-in-progress things in beta state already, at least)

  1. Lots of knowledge sharing among Tiki festers! 😊
  2. Amette and Jyhem improve the setup.sh script
  3. Amette and Marc are working on Test server compatibility
  4. Xavi & Robert: http://profiles.tiki.org/Tracker_as_Calendar_09
  5. Documentation for phpstorm as IDE and Debugger: http://dev.tiki.org/phpstorm
  6. Implementation of Fullcalendar-resourceviews, through a new plugin: http://doc.tiki.org/PluginTrackerCalendar
  7. New Profile to show off feauture: http://profiles.tiki.org/Tracker_as_Calendar_10
  8. Workspaces UI: code, doc & profile
  9. Screencast: Tutorial on the usage of Tracker Synchronization by lph.
  10. Video: Tutorial on the usage of PhpStorm by Robert.
  11. Video: Tutorial on the usage of Perspectives and Workspaces by Marc.
  12. New TikiLiveCD released with Tiki9

1.6.3. Other topics of interest to the attendees

Some of those are specially suited to non-devs willing to join the Fest and help with their non-coding skills, etc.

  • Handling of massive Tiki-based databases using Tiki-trackers. Jyhem can share experiences.

  • Short PhpStorm install+tutorial.
    If nobody present knows about phpstorm, this can be replaced by discussing favorite and alternative methods for debugging Tiki when the real logic is hidden behind abstraction layers or MVC or ajax webservices.

  • Website Revamp
    If any interested people by mid-week a workshop to modernise/refurbish the Tiki website
    Torsten has some ideas to refurbish or customize fivealive.css and Gezza will be attending with his ideas. So why not take the chance and work on that together?

  • Related to Workspaces UI: Namespaces
    discussion between developers (and users), how important this would be (priority-wise) and how this could possibly realised in the codebase (technically and in respect to stability)

  • Related to Workspaces and Areas: Batch-categorising of existing content -> Maybe 'filter and search', then categorise all search result with three options:
    a) recategorise all (like in structures)
    b) keep all existing categories and add 1 new category to each item
    c) keep all existing categories, but unassign 1 selected category
    discussion: technical/priority/funding

  • Tracker Status - tracker status is a fine tool, but it would be handy to be able to
    -> rename status
    -> create/define additional status

  • .deb & multitiki
  • LPH, Amette, Marc

"Low hanging fruit" for Tiki9:

  1. ensure help is updated for tikisheets
  2. ensure documentation is updated to show how to create a graph with the graph engine and a spreadsheet
  3. Have Torsten explain how to use "Areas" (record it?)
  4. Make bbb recordings list to have a description for each record
  5. backport the ability to delete a recording from BBB (from trunk r42595 to Tiki9)

1.6.4. WS Use cases

Basic use cases

  1. Education: Teacher vs students, ...
  2. Gforge - like: admins vs. editors vs. contributors
  3. Business Team: team manager, team members
  4. NGO comissions: coordinator, secretary, accountability, comission


  1. Customers Communication spaces: two-way communication of owner with groups of customers (wiki pages, blog, file galleries, watches) but groups of customers don't see each other.
  2. Barter Networks (suburbs, towns, cities, provinces). Allow organic groups with easy interface for WS admins so that they can mange their own WS with minimum (if any at all) Tiki admin intervention. Live example (missing better UI for WS): http://intercanvis.net/Xarxes

Revise these configuration Profiles, and eventually update to work with Tiki9

  1. Learning_Center
  2. Project_Management Produce some draft screencasts or videos

Produce some draft video tutorial or screencasts while using some barter or workspace-related features in Tiki9.

  1. Book a room for a new knowledge barter in a local network.

1.6.5. Tasks already DONE before or during the TikiFest since planning

to be written here as they happen...

1.7. Logistics

The Tiki house is offered for free to developers willing to attend and improve those features cited above. There is specific funded project (that Xavi knows of, at the time of this writing), so that developers attending can use some days as holidays in a sunny touristic place such as Barcelona (and in a house at 10min on foot from the beach! 😊 ) in exchange for their participation. So what about half the week on holidays, and half the week coding? (Dogfooding Barter!: doing barter (accomodation in exchange of coding) to develop features to enhance Barter Networks using Tiki and CClite.

Since we might be many people attending these days in that TikiHouse (such a success! 😀 ), we might need some extra sleeping mattresses, etc. (Xavi can provide some).

1.7.1. Accomodation

For more information see: http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestBarcelona Poblenou - Llull: An old-fashioned flat but very big and very close to the sea front 😉
Llull 188, 1r 3a. (next to Rambla de Poblenou). "Metro" (Underground): Line 4 (yellow), station "Poblenou".
Phone. +34 93 3569113 .


  • 100 m2
  • Rooms: 1 doublebed room + 3 single beds + space for many mattresses on the floor if needed (100 m2!)
  • 10 min far on foot from the sea 😊 (if anybody want to escape from the TikiFest of refresh the ideas under sea water 😉
  • 5 min far on foot to public transportation (underground) to go anywhere else in the city
  • very affordable price (the cheapest from all options evaluated during many weeks), which left more money to hire extra coders.
  • living room with a big table for group meetings, and big white wall for beamer projection, if needed
  • no air conditioning because it's not needed in that flat under normal conditions: it's in a narrow shady street with very good natural ventilation along the flat (Xavi went there in person to check that this is true).
  • The flat has adsl with wifi connection (up to 10 people at the same time). Some extra 3g cards can be allocated.
  • For TikiFestees staying the whole week, there are facilities for washing clothes?
  • Other equipment: microwave oven, gas oven, cooker, fridge.

Mostra un mapa més gran

People staying in the Tiki House need to bring

  • your own towel
  • bedspread and sheets. Two sets for double-bed inflatable mattresses that Xavi can provide.

Stuff we need

Stuff we need Who can bring a good one Notes
beamer (projector) Xavi.
Whiteboeard Xavi, from Xarxantoni.
Webcam for streaming Xavi
Digital video camera and tripod for god quality recording of meetings Xavi Xavi has one of each (the same one from TikiFestMadrid), with long battery and hard drive.
good ambient microphone! Xavi has one (provided by Marc years ago, that works like a charm, also on GNU/Linux 😊
electric switches and extensions (bring your power adaptors, or get one for you at any airport) If needed we can buy some more once we are in Barcelona (not adapters, but extensions - multiple plugs).
Big coffee machine Xavi can bring an Italian coffee maker (traditional), if there is not in the flat. No nexpresso nor similar unnecessary-waste-producer to produce decent coffee 😊
... Anything else?

There is an ATM machine ("La Caixa" bank next to the flat)

Stuff you might like to bring 😉

  • swimming suit & towel for the beach
  • sun cream, sun glasses, cap (It may get quite sunny and hot in summer here down Europe)
  • mask and fins, underwater camera. In 2009 TikiFestBarcelona1 it took 15 minutes just to find an octopus (or sea urchins, crabs, small colored Mediterranean fishes) in the beach closest to the TikiHouse. 😊

1.7.2. How to get there Plane

Get a plane ticket to "BARCELONA EL PRAT (BCN)" - El Prat Airport (see Google Map)
(not "GERONA COSTA BRAVA (GRO)" "Girona" Airport, which is 105 km away from Barcelona).

There is a bus getting from there to the city centre (Plaça Catalunya - Catalunya Square).

From there, with Metro (underground) to the Tiki House (Line 4 (yellow) - Station Poblenou). See #Accomodation for more details on how to get there from the closest metro station. Train

Go to the main train station called "Sants", or "Estació de França". Drop a message in this wiki page if you plan to go by train.

You can also fly to Madrid (if you get some cheaper flights), and get the TGV (the high speed train) to Barcelona in 3.5 hours, directly to "Sants" station.

From there, with Metro (underground) to the Tiki House (Line 4 (yellow) - Station Poblenou). See #Accomodation for more details on how to get there from the closest metro station. Bus

From different european cities, see Eurolines:

To bus stations "Barcelona Sants" or "Barcelona Norte".

From there, with Metro (underground) to the Tiki House (Line 4 (yellow) - Station Poblenou). See #Accomodation for more details on how to get there from the closest metro station. Bike (rail&bike)

Mon. 20. August Torsten rides down from Karlsruhe (Germany) to Strasbourg (~75-80 km) and takes the night train from Strasbourg to Perpignan
At 21. August Torsten rides down from Perpignan (France) to Blanes (Spain) and then further along the seaside to Barcelona (~215 km).
If s.b. want to join with a racing cycle, just tell me 😊 Metro

Metro map: http://www.tmb.cat/ca/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=c8996f6c-8ad5-4d21-b59b-faf9fceebd80&groupId=10168 (pdf)

Line 4 (yellow):


1.7.3. Other info

How to go from address A to address B inside Barcelona

See also:

1.8. Who

1.8.1. confirmed

The first group to get in the flat will meet in the entrance (of the building where the flat is located) on Sunday August 19th, 21h (local Spanish time). Xavi will be there.

(the flat will be freed during the afternoon so that we can use it since Sunday evening).

People which can't make it in Sunday 19th evening will be able to get in during Monday morning; but keep in mind that the TikiFest officially starts on Monday August 20th 10h a.m. (local time).

Name Home city Dates available Notes
Xavi Barcelona I'll be your host and tikifest coordinator while you are in Barcelona 😉, similarly to the previous TikiFestBarcelona1 and TikiFestBarcelona2. After the first nights (when I don't mind sleeping also in the inflating mattresses or anywhere), I'll go back to my house overnight and back to the TikiHouse in the morning.
marclaporte Montréal All Arrival: 2012-08-18 7h45AM at the airport
After this event, I am going to WikiSym 2012, and then to Madrid to meet Tiki community members.
Jyhem Strasbourg All Arrival: train station Sants - sun 19th, 11:48%%%Departure: train station Sants - mon 27th, 16:42 (got tickets)
luci Polička 18th-30th Coming 2 days before with 1 and a half adult 😉 (2 nights booked near city center but then we need you, TikiHouse ! 😊)
gezzaBudapest20th-23rdwill arrive 20th 08:45 at BCN, will leave 23rd 09:20 from BCN
TorstenWürzburg(Germany)21/22 to 26got my ticket! riding by bike from Perpignan to Barcelona (215 km) I need a place for my camping-matress and my bike in the Tikihouse and the one or another beer for free - will mostlikely be cash strapped after my Berlin trip.
... ... ... ...
amette BerLiN 2012-08-18 - 2012-08-24 Arrival: 2012-08-18 08:35 at BCN airport
Will be couchsurfing until monday, then move to the TikiHouse %% Departure: 2012-08-24 20:10 from BCN

You can also confirm here: http://www.wikimatrix.org/calendar/e166/2012/tikifest_barcelona

1.8.2. potentially interested (but not confirmed yet)

Name Home place Dates available Notes
... ... ... ...

1.8.3. Remote participants

We plan to use our own BBB installation that we have already set up and working (as of June 2012) for the Barter Networks in Catalan Countries. URL to come in the future 😊 (to avoid stressing that bbb installation in the meantime 😉

Name Home place Dates available Notes
jonny B London As much as possible Sorry all, just can't afford it either financially or temporally
Gary (chibaguy) Chiba, Japan As much as possible Wish I could be there in person. 😊
... ... ... ...

1.9. Live


Related links


Information Version
Torsten Fabricius 121
Marc Laporte 120
Marc Laporte The data is not there anymore 119
luciash d' being 🧙 118
luciash d' being 🧙 117
luciash d' being 🧙 116
luciash d' being 🧙 115
luciash d' being 🧙 114
luciash d' being 🧙 YouTube Plugin modified by editor. 113
luciash d' being 🧙 YouTube Plugin modified by editor. 112
luciash d' being 🧙 YouTube Plugin modified by editor. 111
luciash d' being 🧙 YouTube Plugin modified by editor. 110
luciash d' being 🧙 109
luciash d' being 🧙 108
luciash d' being 🧙 107
luciash d' being 🧙 106
luciash d' being 🧙 Image Plugin modified by editor. 105
luciash d' being 🧙 Image Plugin modified by editor. 104
luciash d' being 🧙 103
luciash d' being 🧙 102
luciash d' being 🧙 101
Xavier de Pedro 100
Marc Laporte 99
Xavier de Pedro 98
Xavier de Pedro 97