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History: TikiFestSysAdmin-2014

Preview of version: 84

Please mind:

  • Travel at Thursday 21st of August
  • DevOps at the BaseCamp Bonn at Friday 22nd of August, start in the morning
    Need booking for accommodation? => torsten@tiki.org
    accommodation around 30 € per person per night
  • Froscon Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th
  • Travel home: Sunday 24th or Monday 25th

Questions? => nelson@tiki.org fmg@tiki.org or torsten@tiki.org or +49 (0) 178 8 272 383

The TikiFest has two parts:

A ) DevOps ... the main responsible administrators af the Tiki server accounts (mostly living in or near Germany) should gather with a few project admins, discuss and coordinate strategies for the next two years.

B ) FrOSCon ... the TikiCommunity, especially the DeTUG shall meet and attend the FrOSCon 2014 in Bonn, setup and maintain a Tiki-booth and maybe organise one or two lectures about Tiki.


DevOps meeting and workshop

FROSCON booth, lectures and party

Further info

  • TikiFest in the Rhein-Ruhr-Area of Germany in Bonn August 2014, prior and whilst the FrOSCon 2014 with the option to visit the OpenSym / WikiSym in Berlin in the following week (contact Torsten or Frank if you want assistance or info for OpenSym attending)

  • The Friday part of the TikiFest is mainly meant to get a personal meeting of all available System Administrators of the Tiki community servers and sites.

  • As most of the Sysadmins are located in or near Germany, this TikiFest will be in Germany.

A parallel general meeting of the German Language Tiki User Group (detug) is optional.

Team Meetings for preparations

Webinar 2014 03 plus a preliminary Team Meeting to rise questions, thoughts, suggestion to be prepared before the initial Webinar
Maybe in tiki.org/live BBB room or meet.jit.si to test WebRTC.

=> a Meeting before end of May is needed!

Preliminary meeting

Besides several bilateral chats and group mails, there was a webinar at Thursday the 6th of March



personarrivaldeparturestaying atnote
ametteThursday 21st late nightMonday 25th morningBaseCamp
Nelson Monday 25th morningBaseCamp
Jyhem20th at Würzburg then travel with Torsten
21st Bonn
Monday 25thBaseCamp




Changi, Eric, Oliver, Pascal (unlikely), Jorn, Pete J.

Topics for organization

  • Date of event
  • Budget open (Citadelrock offer)
  • Sponsoring
  • Participants need to be clarified
    please update lists above
  • Travelling info here on the page
  • Accomodation <- BaseCamp
  • Meeting location <=> accommodation = Hackspace = BaseCamp
  • Internet access <- free wireless in the BaseCamp and in the FrOSCon plus LTE organised by Frank the LTE was an option organized by Frank and Michael, but Michael will not be able to attend
  • other
    • spare time activities (forest walking, pubs) <- will have to be aggreed spontaneously, but options are:

    a trip to cologne to visit the famous cathedral and go to pubs to drink "Kölsch" until the next morning
    a boat cruise on the river rhine <- not really inexpensive
    swimming pool nearby the BaseCamp
    BBQ every evening apart from Cologne trip and apart from Saturdays party at the FrOSCon

Major topics for DevOps

  • Improving show.tiki.org
  • The future of hosting of *.tiki.org sites
  • tiki.org emails
  • Making Tiki hosting more straighforward for customers
  • Standard procedures for server management (currently tiki.org is different than dev.tiki.org)
  • Monitoring and alerts
  • Testing on pre-dogfood servers
  • Tiki Console
  • CommunityCoordinationPlanning

Major topics for FrOSCon

  • Tiki-Booth
  • Beer and Food and Party at Saturday <-> a selforganising system


Key people

  • Torsten (gardener, community management, organisator)
  • Frank (DevOp, community management, organisator)
  • Nelson (project admin)
  • Changi (DevOp, project admin)
  • Amette (DevOp, project admin)
  • Eric (DevOp)
  • Oliver (DevOp, project admin)
  • Pascal (DevOp)
  • Jorn (DevOp)
  • Jyhem (DevOp, project admin)

Other people

  • Pete J. (DevOp?)
  • Carsten (Dev)

Interested to attend remotely

  • Xavi (DevOp, project admin)


We will stay in the BaseCamp Bonn, Germany for the whole week (or weekend, depending on how long you can stay).

The cost is
27 Euro / night for a twobed sleeper-train compartment or
38 Euro / night, if you prefer not to share, but take the room alone.

Please contact Torsten prior to booking, for coordination, as for example we try to get a few compartments near each other an we already pre-booked for the TikiFestDevOps.

For the DevOps there was a funding suggested by Citadelrock (BaseCamp as TikiHouse), so in this respect it is important aswell, that you contact Torsten prior to booking.


Airport Cologne-Bonn CGN - mainly for Nelson


The Airport Cologne-Bonn (CGN) is 13km southeast of Cologne and 16km north of Bonn. It has a railway station below the terminal with connection to the regional and to the long distance net of the german railway "Bahn".
The travel center of the Bahn with information desk and ticket shelter is in terminal 2 near the arrival area.

The recommended connection to Bonn city centre:
In front of terminal 1 and 2 (between paking area P1 and P2) you find the bus stops!
Use the Shuttlebus (Schnellbus SB 60) to Bonn/Hauptbahnhof. This line connects the airport with the city centre evry 30 minutes.

Use the railway station below the terminals and get to the line Regionalexpress RE 8 until Bonn Beuel and from there the tram Stadtbahn Linie 62 until Bonn/Hauptbahnhof (main train station).


Tiki Fest Sysadmin 2014


Information Version
Torsten Fabricius 104
Torsten Fabricius 103
Jean-Marc Libs 101
Xavier de Pedro 100
Xavier de Pedro 99
Torsten Fabricius added linebrake im remarksbox 98
Torsten Fabricius renamed to TikiFestSysAdmin 2014 as planned in Bonn (forgot that) and aliased as TikiFestSysAdmin 97
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) restore real link to blog, and leave missing page as wiki link, in case it was intended for some reason that page name 96
Torsten Fabricius typo thingi 95
Torsten Fabricius typo 94
Torsten Fabricius halfway changed page to post-TikiFest stage ... will be further turned into a documantation after arriving at home (mind: will be renamed to TikiFestSysAdmin 2014 and a new general page added as for r 93
Nelson Ko 92
Nelson Ko 91
amette 90
amette 89
amette 88
Frank Guthausen matrix who/what 87
amette 86
Frank Guthausen FrOSCon 85
TestTorsten2 added alias DevOps 84
amette 83
Frank Guthausen FrOSCon 82
Frank Guthausen FrOSCon 81
Frank Guthausen no LTE 80
Frank Guthausen FrOSCon 79