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History: Trackers

Preview of version: 25

Please click here to search tikiwiki.org for all instance of trackers.

What it is and isn't

The word tracker is probably a misnomer, form creator is probably better. This Tiki is running, at the time of this writing, 1.8.2. The real power of trackers is found in HEAD for 1.9. These docs are geared for the 1.9 trackers but may in part be applicable to 1.8.2.

Trackers are really really cool. They are not perfect but getting better all the time. A huge issue is being able to convert other forms into the tracker interface. Simple text conversions are now possible with the import/export but that doesn't yet work for the tracker items. Please help us finish that part of the trackers!

Here's some new stuff for you folks who are just discovering trackers:


All below can be sorted:
last modif

  • list all of your trackers or forms.

Admin trackers

edit nameperms descriptionedit fields created last modif itemsdelete


  • needs a category sort, large number of trackers renders the trackers almost unusable


Tips and Tricks

If you've created trackers in series then use the URL / number to navigate large tracker dbases. The sorting by name can be frustrating, search can be unpredictable. Until there is a sort by category, and you've a large dbase of trackers, then plan to experience navigation issues.

import/ export

Very exciting, very beta right now... take this data and import it into your tracker and report back...


trackerId = 187
name = To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter Twenty-six
description = You need to create a total of five questions for each chapter. The questions should focus on elements like the one found in the category > literary terms. Focus on the key themes of the story; use the web to help you in your research for good questions. Good questions are thought provoking, insightful, and interesting.
showStatus = y
defaultStatus = o
showStatusAdminOnly = n
newItemStatus = o
modItemStatus =
writerCanModify = y
writerGroupCanModify = n
showCreated = y
showLastModif = y
defaultOrderKey =
defaultOrderDir = asc
useComments = n
showComments = n
useAttachments = n
showAttachments = n
attachmentsconf = 1,2,4,0,3,0,0,0
categories = 39

On import the tracker is not created and the checkboxes are not ticked. But as a way of ramping up organizations with importing forms... this is very powerful collaboration tool.



This is where you choose the type of fields. mose has done some amazing work here and it seems like everyday I need to learn a new and more intriguing tool in trackers

Checkbox options:

put 1 if you need that next field is on the same row.

Numeric options:

1,size,prepend,append with size in chars, prepend will be display before the field append wil be display just after, and initial 1 to make that next text field or checkbox is in same row. If you indicate only 1 it means next field is in same row too.

Text options:

1,size,prepend,append,max with size in chars, prepend will be display before the field append wil be display just after, max is the maximum number of characters that can be saved, and initial 1 to make that next text field or checkbox is in same row. If you indicate only 1 it means next field is in same row too.

Textarea options:

options,width,height,max with option is 1 or 0, rest is size indicated in chars and lines, max is the maximum number of characters that can be saved.

list of items separated with commas.

User Selector:

use options for automatic field feeding : you can use 1 for author login or 2 for modificator login.

Group Selector:

use options for automatic field feeding : you can use 1 for group of creation and 2 for group where modification come from. The default group has to be set, or the first group that come is chosen for a user, or the default group is Registered.

Image options:

xSize,ySize indicated in pixels.

Action options:

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of trackers is the ability to talk to other tiki and web objects

Category options:


trackerId,fieldId links to item from trackerId which fieldId matches the content of that field.

Items list options:

trackerId,fieldIdThere, fieldIdHere, displayFieldIdThere displays the list of displayFieldIdThere from item in tracker trackerId where fieldIdThere matches fieldIdHere.

E-Mail address options:

0,1 or 2, 0 shows the address as a normal text field. 1 Does an obfuscated mailto: link when viewing item. 2 Does a normal href mailto: when viewing items.

Is column visible when listing tracker items?

Don't use this with big blocks of text...

Column is searchable?

Field is public? (for use thru trackerlist plugin)

Field is hidden? (visible by admin only)


  • option to set by 10 as if you mess up the order of your fields and are incrementing by one then you are hosed.. you'll have to readjust manually all of your field ordering... a real nuisance
  • needs a help link to a specific support page


allow for voting of tracker item


What the heck is "View inserted item" checkbox?


  • The view_tracker needs a help link



  • Doesn't support wiki tags but needs to.
  • Doesn't support URLs

list trackers

goes to tiki-list_trackers.php


links to the monitor option for the current tracker

Admin trackers

goes tiki-admin_trackers.php

Edit this tracker

goes to tiki-admin_trackers.php

tab: name of tracker

tab : insert new item

This is where you click to add a new item

  • When editing there needs a link to the owner of the item so to facilitate rapid comms with collaborators.
  • When viewing we admin needs to see the description of the tracker to make sure that the client has met the goals of the tracker.


  • complete import and export of tracker's fields

  • would be nice to have a Vote field that allowed a Tiki end user to vote on a tracker item. It would be nice to allow a mode that only allowed registered users to vote, and applied a quota to the number of items each user could vote on. Number of votes for an item would be a sortable column. As an item was determined to be 'resolved' then the user's vote would be freed up and they would be emailed to be notified that they could vote on another item. This approach is utilized very successfully in the java bug database.

repeat plea for full import and export control as deleting lots of fields from a tracker is a pain in the behind


Create trackers
Create/edit trackers

Below are the fields you'll see when editing / creating a tracker.


Information Version
luciash d' being 🧙 49
Doug Higby 48
Doug Higby 47
Doug Higby All links are broken. Saving others the wasted time checking them 46
Doug Higby 45
John Morris split Plugin modified by editor. 44
John Morris grammar correction 43
Gary Cunningham-Lee Dead links removed. 42
Gary Cunningham-Lee Another live example added. 41
SEWilco lowercase "trackers" 40
Xavier de Pedro 39
Xavier de Pedro removed the comment about tracker performance since sylvieg and marclaporte suggested it's related to old tiki code (no one made new tests with current and improved code) 38
Xavier de Pedro 37
Xavier de Pedro some examples added 36
mlpvolt 35
mlpvolt 34
mlpvolt 33
mlpvolt 32
Elizabeth Dalton 31
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) thanks to mose for the information 30
Ralph Bolton 29
luciash d' being 🧙 28
DennisDaniels !!report logs%%%This image is a composite of another tool very much like tracker. 27
DennisDaniels 26
Marc Fargas typo thx to luciash 25
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