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History: UserPageconner_bw

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My name is Dac Chartrand and I am the author of sux0r. I am interested in bringing Naive Bayesian categorization to TikiWiki but I am unsure as to what the best way to approach this task would be.

Naive Bayesian categorization is one of many components that could be used in qualitative search and/or mind-mapping, but it certainly isn't the only component.

I will be at TikiFestMontrealNov2008 to learn more about the situation. Hopefully I will also code a TikiWiki compatible Naive Baysian prototype based on the already existing AGPL codebase of sux0r. As I am the author of sux0r, I have no objections to license what I do at TikiFest 2008 under the LGPL.


I am unfamiliar with the TikiWiki codebase and conventions. I am also a Wiki newbie. I have my own open source CMS (sux0r) that I spent over 6 months developing after quitting my job to do so. I am at TikiFest as much to learn for my own project as I am to contribute to TikiWiki. My project isn't going to disappear any time soon.

I am moved by Marc Laporte's proselytizing that my efforts could be better served with a larger user base and a well respected international Wiki community. I first met him at Codefest 2.0 and he was one of the people that inspired me to believe that Open Source dreams could be a reality (cue epic violin music here). However, I believe there is much confusion as to what I want to do vs. what people expect it to do.

I suggest reading the following web-pages for a brief intro on Naive Bayesian Categorization and Probabilistic Content:


I want to code a prototype that others will use and build on. I don't need another sux0r, i.e. a personal playground to work on ideas that no one else quite understands what to do with. So I need to know where Naive Bayesian categorization would be useful in TikiWiki. Useful in the sense that others would want to use it, and improve it. Furthermore, I am not a math wizard. I have a lot to learn, and am willing to do so if someone explains it in a way I can understand.

TODO: Edit this space with actual ideas and results.

Other than that, I'm looking forward to having fun, hanging out with smart people, and participate as best I can.

A link to my CV for good measure.

Thanks for reading.


Information Version
conner_bw 6
conner_bw 5
conner_bw 4
conner_bw 3
conner_bw 2
conner_bw 1

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