What is a Tikifest ? It's a tradition in the TikiWiki community. TikiFest happens when there is a meeting between at least 2 TikiWiki contributors that don't usually meet. This is an opportunity to chat with people in person, get some laptops out and code wildly in group sessions and/or discuss about wiki technology and culture while drinking some adult beverages (ok, it means mostly having a beer in a pub after hard day work/brainstorming), etc. depending the mood and context. It is great for Tiki users and Tiki power users to meet some of the developers and learn more stuff 😊
This TikiFest is being held November 12-13-14-15-16, 2008 in Montreal, Canada, the following days after the WebCom Conference and is being focused on Branding+Marketing, Design and Look & Feel.
November 13 | 9h -> 21h | most important day mostly in English
| November 14 | 9h -> 21h | mostly in English
| November 15 | 9h -> 21h | mostly in English
| November 16 | 9h -> 21h | mostly in English
Please Self Organize edit sub-events and sessions and ideas into one of these group pages. Everything happens at CGCOM unless stated otherwise.
Saturday November 8th | 9h -> 17h | Célébration CMS 2008 (in French)
Monday November 10th | 9h30 -> 13h | presentation by Guy Vignault of 12 CMS systems (Patrick Allard, Pascal Kutsner, Jean-Marc Libs, Marc Laporte) (in French)
Monday November 10th | 14h -> 17h | Theme & UI work Patrick Allard, Pascal Kustner, Jean-Marc Libs, Marc Laporte (in French)
Tuesday November 11th | 9h -> 17h | Theme & UI work Patrick Allard, Pascal Kustner, Jean-Marc Libs, Marc Laporte (in French)
Tuesday November 11th | 9h -> 13h | Infopresse (in French)
Wednesday November 12 | 7h -> 19h Webcom 10h -> 18h Webcamp | Register to webcom, with high profile conferences (There is a fee) (bilingual) Register to WebCamp free, open space, no conference (bilingual) Free TikiWiki t-shirts for all that are attending any of these 2 events (see Marc, Nelson or Sébastien)
At the CGCOM offices
Who is attending (click to expand)
Please add your name here (but only if you plan to attend!)
Name | Coming From | Strand | Accomodation | Arrival Date | Departure | Note
luci | Czech Republic | both (templates & CSS) | Accommodation figured out 😊 | 10th at 17:55 | 16th at 19:15 |
Rob Ferguson | Canada | technical | TikiHouse | 12th pm | 16th pm
Louis-Philippe Huberdeau | Montreal, Canada | technical | is local | (weekend only, conflict with an other conference)
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) | Chiba, Japan | both | TikiHouse | evening of 12th | morning of 17th |
Matthew Bickerton (matwho) | Portugal | Marketing | Accommodation sorted | 11th | 16th morning |
Pauline Bickerton | Portugal | Marketing | Accommodation sorted | 11th | 16th morning |
Soozy | UK | Marketing | Accommodation sorted | 11th | 16th morning |
Marc Laporte | Montreal, Canada | both | is local | all | all |
Régis Barondeau | Montreal, Canada | Marketing | is local | all | all | (will have to leave at some points for business issues)
Nelson Ko | Ottawa, Canada | both | TikiHouse | 12th eve | 15
Pascal St-Jean | Ottawa, Canada | Marketing | TikiHouse | 12th pm | 16th pm
Sid Saran | Toronto, Canada | Marketing | TikiHouse | 12th pm | 16th pm
Patrick Allard | Montreal, Canada | both | is local | all | all |
Pascal Kustner (pkdille) | Strasbourg, France | both | TikiHouse | 8th | 16th |
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem) | Strasbourg, France | technical | Accommodation figured out | 8th | 16th |
Mike Kerr (kerrnel22) | Virginia, USA | both | ? | 14th | 16th | Fairly sure I'll be there, one issue to work out before I know for sure.
Dac Chartrand | Montreal, Canada | | is local | | | 12th, 13th, 14th, and 16th (tentatively)
Sébastien Lord-Jetté (slordjette), CGCOM | Montréal, Canada | Both | is local | all | all |
André Proulx (aproulx), CGCOM | Montréal, Canada | Both | is local | 13th | 14th |
Michel Dallée (mdallee) | Laval, Canada | is local | | all | |
Sylvieg | Boston, USA | all | TikiHouse | 13 around noon | 15 or 16 -TBD | coming from Boston by car- if somebody else wants to join
Anne Goldenberg | Montréal, Canada | don't know yet | is local | |
Aurelien Leftick | Ottawa, Canada | ? | TikiHouse | 12th pm | 16th pm
Catalin Ivan | Toronto, Canada | all | with friends | Nov 12 | TBD
Michael Pilling | Toronto, Canada | | TikiHouse | Nov 12 pm | saturday
Dominique Zenteno-Chartrand | Montreal, Canada | both | is local | Nov 15 | Nov 15
Murray Wiseman | Montreal, Canada | both | is local | Nov 15 | Nov 15
Hugo Laporte | Montreal, Canada | both | is local | Nov 13 | Nov 15 | 13 and 15 only
Patricia Campbell | Montreal, Canada | technical | is local | Nov 13 | | 13th only |
You? If you want to participate just add your name. Come as you are 😊
For the unaccommodated, http://www.auberge-alternative.qc.ca/ is a pretty good hostel to stay at down in Old Montreal (if you don't mind hosteling, at least.)
We Need
- mattresses for the TikiHouse
We have
- A projector at CGCOM
- Nelson will bring a second projector
- A TikiHouse (Thanks Pascal!)
- Marc will supply WiMax for Internet Access
TikiFestMontrealNov2008 Marketing Group - Vision, marketing and promotion of tikiwiki.
TikiFestMontrealNov2008 Technical Group - Usability, Wat goes in 3.0, CSS Templates
TikiFestMontrealNov2008 Beer Group - after hours events and who's playing hookey
Related links
Some pics from luci at Jyhem's site
Pics of attendees at Jyhem's site
Regis' spinning iPhone
luci's Facebook Album (updated - added descriptions and more pics)
chibaguy's TikiFest photos (zukakakina.com)
A few video clips by chibaguy
Video from the TikiFest
Matthew (MatWho) and Pauline present their views on marketing Tiki - Part 1 of 2
Pascal & Aurelien present their views on marketing Tiki
Matthew (MatWho) and Pauline present their views on marketing Tiki - Part 2 of 2
Luci describes his work on the CSS in TikiWiki - Benefits of *lite CSS based layout
Better quality presentation of the Matthew's (MatWho) TikiWiki Marketing TikiFest Montreal Nov 2008
Presentation files from the TikiFest
Matthew and Paulin...g presentation.pdf
Litecss Benefits
Unleash TikiWiki
Results of the Marketing Vision/Mission Brainstorm
The results of brainstorming and grouping Tiki Vision 2012
The Ease/Effect matrix with volunteers to coordinate added Vision 2012 objectives