History: UserPageohertel
Preview of version: 26
You can communicate with me on this page.
I'm professional developer, currently in charge of the development environment of Dresdner Bank Firmenfinanzportal:
- Ant
- Apache
- CM Synergy
- Eclipse
- Java
- Oracle
- Perl
- Shellscript
- Weblogic v6.1
- Websphere v5
the above entries are sorted by {SORT(sort->asc)}entries here...{SORT}
Tiki Modifications
- 'access code' for anti-script-user-generation improved
- Added support for Atom output feeds, details see http://bitworking.org/rfc/draft-gregorio-07.html ohertel
- Added support for external Atom feeds, just add them on the rss feeds page! ohertel
- feature_wikiwords switch for enabling/disabling WikiWord
- german translation
- many bugfixes
- method 'generate password' improved (php and js version)
- open/close folder icons for menus
- plugin CATEGORY (basic version, improved by others): PluginCategoryDev
- plugin SORT: PluginSort
- RSSModules enhanced RSSModulesDev, RSSModulesDoc
- security fix for RSS feeds (only get feeds for objects you are allowed to view)
- security fix for search box (only search in pages you are allowed to view)
- spec conformity fix for RSS feeds, stylesheet for RSS, added support for rss 2.0: RssFeedDev, RssFeedDoc
- theme 'olive'
- fixed Forums : individual RSS feeds not working ohertel
- fixed RSS not properly processing blogId ohertel
- fixed FANCYTABLE plugin generates wrong TD format ohertel
- fixed RSS feeds are sent with Wiki Formatting instead of HTML ohertel
- fixed RSS feed brakes in 1.8 RC3 - httprequest() in tikilib didnt return any data. ohertel
Other work
- providing Tiki XRef, Tikidoc and Doxygen documentation on http://de.tikiwiki.org/
- building archives with latest cvs content (fix release and HEAD), see same url